Re: rdfms-empty-property-elements

Brian McBride <> wrote:

>> I apologize in advance if I am mistaken, but I believe we were discussing
>> the test cases in:
>> which states it is about "More on empty property elements" so I assumed it
>> was an addition to the test cases and proposed resolution documented in:
>> which is Jan's message about empty property elements.
> Quite so.  And where is the decision you refer to in:
>>>> Since the context of the test cases is the decision that an empty element
>>>> no longer creates a new resource
> discussed and/or documented?

It's documented in the test-cases, specifically test2. I didn't mean to
imply that the working group itself had made these decisions, but that it
was these decisions that I thought were under consideration in this

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2001 18:59:27 UTC