Re: rdfms-empty-property-elements [was More on empty property elements, ID/resource and the associated productions]

Aaron Swartz wrote:

> test2: No, I believe this is inconsistent with our new interpretation of
> <propElt />. It should be considered an error, in the same way error1 is.

It would be helpful if you could explain why.  The grammar production

 '<' propName idRefAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* '/>'

allows it and 
    Specifically; each propertyElt start tag containing attribute 
    specifications other than ID, resource, bagID, xml:lang, or any
    attribute starting with the characters xmlns results in the creation
    of the triples {p,r1,r2}, ...

specifies the interpretation.


Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2001 18:09:20 UTC