Re: RDF/XML Syntax Internal Working Draft V1.23

On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 02:05:16PM +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
>   RDF/XML Syntax - RDF Core WG Internal Working Draft V1.23

Very nice work Dave!  Just a couple of comments.

With the explicit removal of container support, the syntax is 
obviously simpler and the issues rdf-containers-syntax-
{ambiguity,vs-schema} are addressed.  I wonder, however, if 
this neat trick will create more confusion.

Since the prose in M&S 1.0 implies that values for parseType
other than Literal and Resource are allowed, perhaps 4.6 should
accomodate that case (e.g. parseType="daml:Collection").  


P.S. A nit - missing ')' at the end of the third option of 4.6.

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2001 08:53:41 UTC