Re: A use case for anon nodes - action from telecon

[kind of selfreply...]
> ??? could it be that [ :p :o] (as one token)
> is an existental but that we *could* assert
> forall _:s such that _:s :p :o. ???
> (we actually do use the former and then
> query with some kind of univeral/template
> (which can contain the 'normal' existentials))

we actually see that
  {{:s [ rdfs:subpropertyOf :p] :o} log:implies {:s :p :o}}
    a log:Truth; log:forAll :s, :p, :o.
gives the same "cwm -think" result as
  {{:z rdfs:subPropertyOf :p. :s :z :o} log:implies {:s :p :o}}
    a log:Truth; log:forAll :s, :p, :o, :z.
but *not* the same result as
  {{:z rdfs:subPropertyOf :p. :s :z :o} log:implies {:s :p :o}}
    a log:Truth; log:forAll :s, :p, :o; log:forSome :z.

it could/should be similar for the case of rdfcore 'facts'
(the things behind log:implies)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2001 06:11:03 UTC