Introduction: Jos De Roo

I am Jos De Roo, W3C AC Representative for AGFA

My short bio is
  AGFA R&D image networking, 1985-
  ICOS co-founder, R&D image computer systems, 1982-1985
  KULeuven doctoral study in image computing, 1979-1982

  KULeuven Master of Science in Engineering, 1974-1979
  Sint-Janscollege Humaniora Latin-Mathematics, 1968-1974
  Born Bruges, Belgium, 10 January 1956

My current mission at AGFA's corporate Research Centre on
Electronic Imaging is doing innovative research w.r.t.
components to realize web-oriented architectures in the
domain of image analysis/synthesis (image is actually
image plus related information...)
So I do all kind of things that fit with that mission and
one of them is 'Euler proof mechanism' (mostly by night)
(Besides my wife and 4 children) I love symbolic logic.

Let's start to realize the charter of the RDF Core WG!

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2001 18:29:47 UTC