Press Release: W3C re-launched as a public-interest non-profit organization

Dear Friends of W3C,

The World Wide Web Consortium began the year 2023 by forming a new public-interest non-profit organization.

The new entity preserves our member-driven approach, existing worldwide outreach and cooperation while allowing for additional partners around the world beyond Europe and Asia. The new organization also preserves the core process and mission of the Consortium to shepherd the web, by developing open web standards as a single global organization with contributions from W3C Members, staff, and the international community.

Our Director, Tim Berners-Lee, noted: “Today, I am proud of the profound impact W3C has had, its many achievements accomplished with our Members and the public, and I look forward to the continued empowering enhancements W3C enables as it launches its own public-interest non-profit organization, building on 28 years of experience."

Our vision for the future is a web that is truly a force for good. A World Wide Web that is truly international and more inclusive, more respectful of its users. A web that supports truth better than falsehood, people more than profits, humanity rather than hate. A web that works for everyone, because of everyone.

To learn more read our press release below as text or online at:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to schedule an interview at: <>.

Yours sincerely,

Amy van der Hiel
W3C Media Relations Coordinator



   [1]W3C For immediate release


      W3C re-launched as a public-interest non-profit organization

   Read [2]testimonials from W3C Members

   [3]Translations | [4]W3C Press Release Archive



 — 31 January 2023 — The World Wide Web
   Consortium began the year 2023 by forming a new public-interest
   non-profit organization. The new entity preserves our
   member-driven approach, existing worldwide outreach and
   cooperation while allowing for additional partners around the
   world beyond Europe and Asia. The new organization also
   preserves the core process and mission of the Consortium to
   shepherd the web, by developing open web standards as a single
   global organization with contributions from W3C Members, staff,
   and the international community.


  The Web Consortium builds on 28 years of expertise

   Since its founding almost three decades ago by Web Inventor Sir
   Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has
   developed the foundational technical standards upon which the
   web has flourished.

   The [6]Web Consortium has a track record of delivering globally
   recognized standards, including HTML and CSS upon which the web
   is built. W3C and its Members have made advances of important
   social and economic value: nearly five hundred open standards
   have powered the creation of 2 billion websites. The Consortium
   has also been fundamental in the emergence of transformative
   phenomena like social media, e-commerce, video on the web,
   video conferencing, which have transformed all our lives. W3C’s
   work empowers people with disabilities to access the web,
   supports websites in languages and cultures all around the
   world, and improves web security through strong authentication.
   These successes are possible because W3C standards may be used
   by anyone, and at no cost thanks to the royalty-free W3C Patent


  Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s Consortium

   "In 1994, the decision to form the World Wide Web Consortium
   came at the urging of many companies investing increasing
   resources into the web.” said Sir Tim Berners-Lee, “I started
   leading the essential work of the Web Consortium team to foster
   a consistent architecture accommodating the rapid pace of
   progress in web standards for building websites, browsers,
   devices to experience all that the web has to offer. Today, I
   am proud of the profound impact W3C has had, its many
   achievements accomplished with our Members and the public, and
   I look forward to the continued empowering enhancements W3C
   enables as it launches its own public-interest non-profit
   organization, building on 28 years of experience.

   Sir Tim Berners-Lee has long promoted the Consortium as a
   neutral forum where organizations around the world come
   together to create the technologies to most fully realize the
   potential of the web.

   When the Consortium was established and running well Sir Tim
   was able to put his focus elsewhere and founded other
   organizations like the World Wide Web Foundation, the Open Data
   Institute London and his newest layer of the web, the Solid
   Protocol, and the company Inrupt bringing it to fruition. Sir
   Tim has gradually stepped away from being directly involved
   with most W3C decisions. Today, to ensure that Sir Tim’s vision
   continues, he retains a permanent seat on the Board of
   Directors and has been actively advocating and supporting the
   evolution of the organization he founded.

  Greater means, stronger governance are fueling the need for change

   Going beyond the incremental changes that over the years
   enabled the Web Consortium to keep pace with the web's evolving
   technologies and uses, the newly adopted structure affords
   increased transparency and accountability, and greater
   responsiveness to fast moving changes.

   The new structure will allow continuity as well as further
   development of the Consortium. It also puts governance at the
   fore. A [7]Board of Directors with W3C Member majority will
   guide the operations and strategic direction, aiming for
   clearer reporting, greater transparency and continued global
   cooperation, including with new international Partners from the
   [8]former Hosts.



   As required of all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, our
   bylaws and a number of documents will be public, such as tax
   documents as well as specific financial statements disclosing
   our operating activities, balance sheets, statement of cash
   flows, and income statement. Our financial statements will be
   annually audited by an independent external auditor.

  Preserving our world-class standards development process

   We will continue to use our proven standards development

   W3C processes promote fairness and enable progress. Our
   standards work will still be accomplished in the open, under
   the [9]W3C Process Document and royalty-free [10]W3C Patent
   Policy, with input from the broader community. Decisions will
   still be taken by consensus. Technical direction and
   Recommendations will continue to require review by W3C Members
   – large and small. The Advisory Board will still guide the
   community-driven Process Document enhancement. The Technical
   Architecture Group will continue as the highest authority on
   technical matters.



  Vision for the future

   Our vision for the future is a web that is truly a force for
   good. A World Wide Web that is truly international and more
   inclusive, more respectful of its users. A web that supports
   truth better than falsehood, people more than profits, humanity
   rather than hate. A web that works for everyone, because of

About the World Wide Web Consortium

   The mission of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is to lead
   the Web to its full potential by creating technical standards
   and guidelines to ensure that the Web remains open, accessible,
   and interoperable for everyone around the globe. W3C well-known
   standards HTML and CSS are the foundational technologies upon
   which websites are built. W3C works on ensuring that all
   foundational Web technologies meet the needs of civil society,
   in areas such as accessibility, internationalization, security,
   and privacy. W3C also provides the standards that undergird the
   infrastructure for modern businesses leveraging the Web, in
   areas such as entertainment, communications, digital
   publishing, and financial services. That work is created in the
   open, provided for free and under the groundbreaking W3C Patent

   W3C's vision for "One Web" brings together thousands of
   dedicated technologists representing more than 400 [11]Member
   organizations and dozens of industry sectors. W3C is a
   public-interest non-profit organization incorporated in the
   United States of America, led by a Board of Directors and
   employing a global staff across the globe. For more information
   see [12]



   End Press Release

Media Contact

   Amy van der Hiel, W3C Media Relations Coordinator

   +1.617.453.8943 (US, Eastern Time)

Testimonials from W3C members

   [14]Accessibility Foundation • [15]Center for Democracy &
   Technology • [16]ConsenSys • [17]Deque Systems, Inc. • [18]eyeo
   • [19]Fondazione LIA • [20]Huawei Corporation • [21]koodos labs
   • [22]Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory • [23]Ministry of
   Digital Affairs, Taiwan • [24]Oracle • [25]Tetralogical •

  Accessibility Foundation

     "Accessibility Foundation, member of W3C since 2001,
     congratulates W3C Inc with the successful transition from a
     hosted model to a public-interest non-profit organization.
     Our Foundation will continue to support W3C and W3C/WAI
     activities with regards to digital inclusion for persons
     with disabilities. W3C has a crucial role in the
     harmonization of accessibility in web standards, supporting
     materials and tools. Accessibility Foundation uses the
     W3C/WAI accessibility resources in their daily work and
     actively works together on new and revised WAI resources
     that support the European Accessibility Act."

    Eric Velleman, Founder, [27]Accessibility Foundation


  Center for Democracy & Technology

     "As a long-time civil society member of the World Wide Web
     Consortium, CDT is encouraged by the successful transition
     of W3C to a public-interest non-profit organization.
     Internet governance is most effective and legitimate when it
     is genuinely multistakeholder. To that end, CDT is committed
     to participating in the development of Web standards,
     advocating for technical designs that support privacy and
     other human rights, and including more of the community in
     the standard-setting process. There is much work to be done,
     by the new W3C Inc. and by the wider community, to make
     standard-setting inclusive and to fulfill the potential of
     the Web."

    Alexandra Reeve Givens, President & CEO, [28]Center for
    Democracy & Technology



     "W3C has led the evolution of the basic Web platform for
     almost three decades. It pioneered some of the principles of
     decentralisation that are central to our own vision,
     enabling multiple stakeholders to support and participate in
     the governance of a critical technology that is a public
     good. An early decision of ConsenSys was to be a member and
     participate in shaping the web as part of W3C. We are
     committed to extending the Internet with new mechanisms for
     trust, a fairer model of ownership, and more transparent and
     democratic economic rewards to build the digital economy of
     tomorrow. We welcome the transition of W3C to an independent
     organisation founded on strong values to continue its
     leadership of an open technology platform that will remain
     fundamental to the transformation we are working to see."

    Charles Nevile, Lead Standards Architect, [29]ConsenSys


  Deque Systems, Inc.

     "We're excited to see W3C evolve and continue to drive
     vitally important web standards forward. Myself and my
     colleagues at Deque have been working with W3C for 16 years
     on WCAG in an effort to drive digital equality across the
     web. As the web changes and grows, we're excited to defend
     the W3C vision together, building a web that works for

    Glenda Sims, Chief Information Accessibility Officer,
    [30]Deque Systems, Inc.



     "Eyeo is delighted to witness the establishment of W3C Inc.
     as a new legal entity with non-profit status. As the web
     needs to continuously evolve, we are facing big challenges
     and require sustainable standards to keep the web open,
     accessible and secure for everyone. eyeo will continue to
     actively participate in various working groups to keep the
     web balanced for users, content creators and advertisers."

    Gertrud Kolb, Chief Technology and Product Officer (CTPO),


  Fondazione LIA

     “As a European organization, we fully support W3C and their
     efforts to create a more open, interoperable and accessible
     digital world. The new version of the EPUB Accessibility
     specification is an important step towards meeting the
     requirements of the European Accessibility Act for
     publishers. It is essential for different voices from
     different regions to be represented in this process and we
     demonstrate that organizations of all sizes can contribute
     to this cause. Accessibility is a critical and rapidly
     growing issue: we will continue to support W3C and their
     efforts to make the digital world more accessible for all.”

    Cristina Mussinelli, Secretary General, [32]Fondazione LIA


  Huawei Corporation

     "We applaud W3C successfully transformation as an
     independent, non-profit and member-driven legal entity after
     three decades of diligent operations leading to the thriving
     of global Web technologies, and we strongly believe W3C will
     take the great opportunity to continue championing
     standardization principles such as openness, fairness and
     transparency, serving W3C’s outstanding vision of ‘Web for
     All’. We look forward to W3C leveraging this crucial chance
     to unify more members, talents and sponsors, effectively
     addressing standards challenges triggered by emerging
     technologies, with the support of the Web infrastructure, as
     the mature, credible and evolving foundation.”

    Thomas Li, President of Corporate Standards, [33]Huawei


  Koodos Labs

     "For nearly three decades, W3C has stood at the forefront of
     the web's evolution, promoting standards and guidelines that
     have helped shape the internet as we know it today. At
     koodos labs, we're excited to be on the frontlines
     supporting the W3C's tireless efforts to advance the web and
     ensure its accessibility, interoperability, and neutrality.
     As the web enters an important juncture, we have no doubt
     that W3C Inc. will remain a key player in shaping its

    Jad Esber, Co-founder, CEO, [34]Koodos Labs


  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

     "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory congratulates W3C on
     the creation of W3C Inc. as an independent legal entity. We
     gratefully acknowledge the work of the host institutions to
     manage the consortium over the past several decades. Those
     years have been crucial to the development of scientific
     data sharing and knowledge dissemination. With the
     Consortium's guidance, the Web has become an indispensable
     tool for research, not only in publishing results but also
     in making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and
     reusable. Web standards also enable tools for scientific
     computing, analysis, and collaboration, all fundamental
     aspects of modern scientific research. We look forward to
     addressing the challenges of the present day and building a
     still brighter future."

    Wahid Bhimji, Data Department Head, National Energy Research
    Scientific Computing Center, [35]Lawrence Berkeley National


  Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan

     "As a new member to W3C, we are committed to work with all
     stakeholders, especially around decentralized identifiers,
     accessibility, privacy and security standards. We look
     forward to engaging in inclusive co-creation that leads to
     digital resilience for all — overcoming online harms through
     digital competence."

    Audrey Tang, Minister of Digital Affairs, [36]Ministry of
    Digital Affairs, Taiwan



     "W3C provides a unique and valuable opportunity for W3C
     members, staff, and the international community to
     collaborate on creating open standards in a transparent
     manner. As W3C transitions from a hosted model to a
     member-driven non-profit organization, we are excited for
     the potential to be more agile and accountable while
     adhering to the same standards processes and licenses that
     have been successful over the past 28 years. As a member of
     W3C since 1995, Oracle has been privileged to have helped in
     W3C’s mission to lead the web to its full potential by
     creating open standards. Oracle will continue its
     contributions and participation in W3C including its
     leadership in the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
     (AGWG). Oracle values the benefits that the W3C's Web
     Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) have provided to
     improve access to the Web by anyone, regardless of their
     abilities, to everyone around the world."

    Luke Kowalski, VP, Corporate Architecture Group, [37]Oracle



     "TetraLogical welcomes this new era of the World Wide Web
     Consortium. The web platform has evolved and changed since
     W3C was first established, and now more than ever, there is
     a need for the community to come together to work on open
     and royalty-free web standards that uphold the principles of
     accessibility, security, privacy, and internationalisation.
     We are excited by the possibilities and look forward to our
     continuing involvement."

    Léonie Watson, Founder and Director, [38]Tetralogical



     "W3C has a long tradition of working to provide a web that
     supports participation by disabled people. This extends to
     participation by disabled people within W3C to develop the
     specifications and guidelines which improve accessibility.
     TPGi have been actively engaged for the past 15 years as
     Specification Editors, Working Group participants and
     Chairs, and we are committed and excited to actively
     participate in the W3C of the future."

    Steve Faulkner, Chief Accessibility Officer, [39]TPGi


   [40]Translations | [41]W3C Press Release Archive



Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 14:13:20 UTC