News Release: World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Information Set as a W3C Recommendation

For more information on W3C and XML Information Set (Infoset), please
contact Janet Daly at +1 617 253 5884.

World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Information Set as a W3C

XML Infoset Delivers Shared Terms to XML Documents

Contact America --Janet Daly, <>, +1.617.253.5884 or
Contact Europe --Marie-Claire Forgue, <>, +33.492.38.75.94
Contact Asia --Saeko Takeuchi <>, +81.466.49.1170

Web Resources for XML Infoset:

The W3C XML Information Set (Infoset) Recommendation

This announcement, with links:

Testimonials for XML Information Set Recommendation from IBM, Markup
Technology Ltd., and Microsoft Corporation: -- 24 October 2001 -- The World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) today announced the release of XML Information Set (XML Infoset)
as a W3C Recommendation. XML Infoset provides a set of definitions for
use in other specifications that need to refer to the information in an
XML document. A W3C Recommendation indicates that a specification is
stable, contributes to Web interoperability, and has been reviewed by
the W3C Membership, who are in favor of supporting its adoption by
academic, industry, and research communities.

XML Documents Share Common Information Features

As the Extensible Markup Language (XML) is adopted by more people and
organizations interested in both providing and processing information,
the ability to identify and describe information inside an XML document
has evolved into a requirement. XML documents are exchanged, parsed,
processed and transformed; the information items inside these documents
need to be available to both people and applications.

W3C's XML Core Working Group has worked on a consistent set of
definitions for use in other specifications that need to refer to the
information in a well-formed XML document, and has produced the XML
Infoset Recommendation.

XML Infoset Describes Information Features in XML Documents

Every well-formed XML document which conforms to XML Namespaces has an
information set. An XML document's information set consists of a number
of information items. These items are abstract descriptions of some part
of an XML document, such as elements and attributes. Each information
item then has a set of associated named properties.

XML Infosets may be created either by parsing an XML document, or by
other methods including the use of an API such as the Document Object
Model (DOM).

XML Infoset Adds Coherence to XML Family of Specifications

Over the past year, the W3C XML Activity has produced a number of XML
Recommendations which add to the robustness and the utility of XML,
including XML Schema, XML Base, XML Linking, and other established W3C
XML recommendations such as XSLT.

XML developers needed a set of concepts and definitions that would tie
these specifications together more closely; the XML Information Set was
produced to fulfill that role. XML specifications can now be described
in terms of the way they operate on XML Infosets. XML Infosets ensure
that existing and upcoming architectural XML recommendations will be
defined, described, and possibly implemented in more interoperable ways,
thereby lending interoperable and extensible features to XML and the
growing world of applications which make use of XML documents and data.

Testimonials for XML Information Set Recommendation
IBM | Markup Technology Ltd. | Microsoft Corporation

The use of XML by our customers has grown rapidly over the last three
years and so it is important that any consumer of an XML document has an
unambiguous understanding of the information in that document. XML
Infoset is the key standard that provides the identification and
description of information inside an XML document in a coherent manner.
IBM is pleased to have contributed to its development within the W3C.
-- Bob Sutor, Director of e-business Standards Strategy, IBM

Markup Technology Ltd. welcomes the publication of the XML Infoset
Recommendation. We see it as providing a solid basis for describing the
behaviour and interaction of XML processing applications. We expect
infosets to play an important role in any products which support the
integration of multiple XML processing steps.
-- Henry Thompson, Managing Director, Markup Technology Ltd.

Microsoft welcomes the XML Information Set as a W3C Recommendation. The
potential the XML Information Set has for driving consistency between
specifications is already evident in emerging work such as the XQuery
1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, SOAP 1.2, and XInclude 1.0. The XML
Information Set draws an important baseline which consists of XML 1.0,
Namespaces in XML, and XML Base.
-- Jonathan Marsh, Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation

About the World Wide Web Consortium [W3C]

The W3C was created to lead the Web to its full potential by developing
common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its
interoperability. It is an international industry consortium jointly run
by the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT LCS) in the USA, the
National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA)
in France and Keio University in Japan. Services provided by the
Consortium include: a repository of information about the World Wide Web
for developers and users, and various prototype and sample applications
to demonstrate use of new technology. To date, over 510 organizations
are Members of the Consortium. For more information see

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 21:46:03 UTC