- From: Janet Daly <janet@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 11:39:55 -0500
- To: w3c-news@w3.org
W3C News Release: Testimonials Supporting World Wide Web Consortium XHTML 1.0 Recommendation Contact North America, Europe -- Janet Daly, <janet@w3.org>, +1.617.253.5884 Contact Asia -- Yuko Watanabe <yuko@w3.org>, +81.466.49.1170 Links from W3C: News Release: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/xhtml-pressrelease.html.en Testimonials: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/xhtml-test.html XHTML 1.0 Recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml-20000126 In coordination with W3C's announcement of the XHTML 1.0 Recommendation, W3C members have supplied statements of support for XHTML 1.0, including annoucements of current implementations or planned support in uncoming products. The organizations which provided testimonials are: Access Co. Ltd., Communicate.com, CWI, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, HTML Writers Guild, IBM, Netscape Communications Corporation, Opera Software, Phone.com, SoftQuad Software Inc., Stack Overflow, Web3D Consortium, and ZOT Group. Testimonials Internet services and communications will be significantly extended by well-defined HTML in XML. Access expects the flexibility, extensibility, and modularity of XHTML 1.0 to handle various kinds of content, including multimedia data. Access is now supporting XHTML 1.0 in our browser NetFront for DTV (Digital Satellite Broadcasting) and also plans to support it in our micro browser, Compact NetFront, for small information appliances such as cellular phones. -- Tomy Kamada, Executive Vice President and CTO, Access Co. Ltd. As the first non-military Internet site in Europe, the CWI has always strived to be at the forefront of Internet technology. We see the release of XHTML 1.0 as an important step towards interoperable platform-independent documents, promoting the easier exchange of information. -- Gerard van Oortmerssen, Director, CWI XHTML 1.0 is a crucial step in the Web's evolution, from a simple means to link and share documents to a universal, device-independent platform for commerce in products, services and ideas. Modular and extensible, XHTML presents solutions to key challenges for Communicate.com: as we develop our network of domains, we need to reach people all over the world, on all manner of devices. XHTML, XML, WAI, and the many other important W3C initiatives help Communicate.com to make this possible. -- Michael Fergusson, VP, Design and Development, Communicate.com Ericsson is very happy to see XHTML 1.0 made a W3C Recommendation. We are now able to see a realistic and rapid path for the convergence of the mobile and fixed-network Web. Mobile devices already use an XML-based markup language (WML), and convergence of WML towards XHTML, as well as use of data from the Web on mobile devices, is tremendously simplified by the W3C formalization of the XHTML specification. We have been working hard in both the W3C and the WAP Forum to enable this, and while a lot of work is yet to be done, this is a big step forward. -- Kari Laihonen, Manager, IT Standardization, Corporate Technology, Ericsson HP is thrilled about XHTML 1.0 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Our HP ChaiFarer Web browser supports XHTML for embedded systems, thereby allowing easy customization of the Web experience for different classes of devices. -- William Woo, General Manager, Embedded Software, Hewlett-Packard Extensibility, modularity, interoperability -- the XHTML 1.0 specification brings together the needs of the Web designer in a tidy XML-based package. As the stepping stone between HTML and XML, XHTML allows a web creator to begin using XML today in web applications, while maintaining compatibility with existing HTML browsers. -- Ann Navarro, Vice-President, HTML Writers Guild XHTML is an important open standard that will help our e-business customers deploy to web applications on any browser via XML-enabled servers. IBM is excited by the power that XHTML will bring to pervasive computing as the need to deliver information to devices such as cell phones, PDAs and set top boxes grows exponentially. -- Marie Wieck, Director of XML Technology, IBM Corp. As a leading supporter of XML and HTML 4.0, Netscape is pleased by the release of the XHTML 1.0 Recommendation. XHTML provides a clean, fully XML-compliant syntax for the large amount of content already available on the Web and will make this content accessible to tools and applications that support XML. The Netscape/Mozilla browser currently in progress will provide full HTML 4.0 compliance making it a short, easy transition to XHTML 1.0 in a subsequent release. Content written in HTML 4.0 will migrate easily to XHTML. Together with other W3C standards like CSS, DOM, and XML, XHTML will provide greater structure, power, interoperability, and control for documents and data on the Internet. -- Jim Hamerly, Vice President of Client Products, Netscape Communications Corporation - a subsidiary of America OnLine, Inc. XHTML 1.0 takes the best of both worlds: the global semantics of HTML and the simple grammar of XML. The result is a document format which fulfills the needs of the Web for years to come. Opera's browser displays XHTML documents today. -- Hakon Wium Lie, Chief Technical Officer, Opera Software As an active member of the HTML Working Group and a leading proponent of the convergence of Web technologies, Phone.com is very pleased by the release of the XHTML 1.0 specification as a W3C Recommendation. XHTML 1.0 lays the groundwork for the modularization to come in XHTML 1.1. Modularized XHTML will be the cornerstone in the foundation of the scalable web--where information, services and content will be universally accessible to a broad range of client devices, from computers and televisions to cellular phones and voice browsers. -- Peter King, Director of Technolgy, Phone.com Recasting HTML in XML syntax combines two very important pieces of Web technology, thereby enabling a seamless transition to XML, the future of the Web. SoftQuad Software will support XHTML in our future products. -- Bruce Sharpe, Chief Technology Officer, SoftQuad Software Inc. XHTML is a significant step towards the future of the Web. As a light-weight successor to HTML 4, XHTML significantly reduces complexity and cost for both implementors and content developers, while offering greater flexibility. As HTML has now become part of the XML framework, interoperability and extensibility will enable a wide range of industries and communities to communicate, share knowledge and conduct business over the Web. We are fully committed to working with the W3C and plan to support future versions of XHTML in the Mozquito family of products.is a significant step towards the future of the Web. -- Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer, CEO, Stack Overflow The Web3D Consortium is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and support of open standards for 3D graphics on the Web. We enthusiastically support XHTML advancement as a W3C Recommendation. Our concurrent efforts producing the Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics specification benefit directly from XHTML progress. Authors will be able to produce rich multimedia content that includes X3D scenes, SVG, MathML, audio, video, and streaming events, all integrated compatibly within an XHTML hypermedia framework. We continue working with W3C activities to produce compatible and interoperable technologies. -- Don Brutzman, Vice President of Technology, Web3D Consortium W3C's Recommendation for XHTML provides the critical and immediate link between HTML and XML. With its extensible core architecture, XHTML enables site builders to develop more flexible Web pages and applications, as well as enhanced eCommerce functionality. XHTML 1.0 enables today's solutions to be easily built upon in the future -- moving beyond existing platform and browser constraints...beyond the desktop to any connected device: laptops, handheld computers, mobile phones, PDAs, 2-way pagers, and more. ZOT Group applauds W3C's efforts, and will continue to support their role in developing future XHTML specifications. -- Sally Khudairi, CEO, ZOT Group
Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2000 11:39:45 UTC