I would very much like to concretize some of our discussion around several appropriately selected examples. As a first approximation to such a collection, I solicit from each of you a few (2 to 5) documents or other bundles of information, each of which contains mathematical information which html-math should be able to encode "properly". Please annotate the material as you see fit. My own contribution will be in the form of some AMS journal articles. I will also try gathering material for the K-14 level, although I welcome contributions in that area as well. Of course our questions will be: (a) what information should be encoded within each document or bundle to achieve our desired ends? and (b) how do we encode that information? We all understand that problems are wider than simple examples can exhibit in isolation, but I think there will be value in developing a set of canonical examples on which to base discussion. We can attempt to give more weight to a subset of examples by indicating multiplicity factors (e.g. 5 pages from Mathematical Reviews might be accompanied by a note indicating the number of reviews published annually). After an initial collection is obtained, we should assess its representative nature. If some further sense of "the field" is needed, we will gather examples to give a better balance. I'm willing to wait until we meet in Cambridge for those of you who would find, say, bringing a book along easier than photocopying several pages, but I do want to assemble this material and send it to all WG members as a reference collection. Please take the time to contribute. I also recognize an ultimate need to abstract from a collection of examples to achieve some systematized approach for meeting our goals. This doesn't lose track of that ultimate need, but I hope helps to provide a basis for common understanding. -Ron email: rfw@ams.org postal delivery: American Mathematical Society PO Box 6248 Providence, RI 02940 location: 201 Charles Street Providence, RI 02940Received on Monday, 16 September 1996 21:06:46 UTC
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