Here are some items we might discuss during the Monday call: 1. Update on implementation progress. 2. Logistics of the Sep30/Oct1 meeting. I don't have specific items to discuss, but will try to answer whatever questions people have. 3. Perceptions, a la Robert's, on "Authoring and Rendering Priorities". Are WG members in agreement with Robert's list? We also might continue the thread which Stephan Watt introduced at the last call regarding the methods by which html-math will be generated in the near future (next 5 years). Where will html-math fit in the scheme of general communication? (Here I'm after models of print/web relation and cas/web relation.) 4. Questions for Bruce regarding his posting about macros and extensibility in the Wolfram Proposal. 5. Further comparison of the WP and MINSE. 6. Whatever ... -RonReceived on Friday, 6 September 1996 15:03:46 UTC
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