------- Blind-Carbon-Copy To: Ka-Ping Yee <kryee@novice.uwaterloo.ca> Subject: Re: Mathematics for the Web Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 17:39:42 -0400 From: "Dave Raggett" <dsr@w3.org> Thanks for sending us a pointer to your work on a semantic notation for math. I am also working in this area, but have taken a different tack. Many people agree that to capture the semantics of math will require an extensible notation. The approach we are considering is to provide a meta- language for mathematical notations. This is akin to the way that SGML provides a meta-language for document markup. This allows new notations to be developed and extended without any changes being necessary to the browser. This would allow authors to choose between a notation like MINSE: 'integ(f(x),x,0,'inf) or &integral; <from> 0 <to> &infinity; <of> f(x) ⅆ x or integral wrt x from 0 to infinity of f(x) This last example can be handled by defining operators and names for special symbols. An augmented operator precendence parser is used to build a parse tree which is then transformed using template rules into an internal semantic representation, and thence to a rendering tree whose nodes correspond to presentation schema (TeX has 13 or so). Authors want greater control over rendering than is possible from a notation than focusses alone on semantics. To some extent this can be addressed via style sheets. However, it seems like its worth seeing whether we can allow authors to express some of this explicitly via supporting alternative representations which render differently although the semantics are identical. As for timescales, we hope to get rough concensus and deployment within months. - -- Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> tel: +1 (617) 258 5741 fax: +1 (617) 258 5999 World Wide Web Consortium, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139 url = http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett ------- End of Blind-Carbon-CopyReceived on Wednesday, 29 May 1996 17:39:49 UTC
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