During today's phone conference (13th May), Neil said something that I wanted to check with the group: After the recent SGML Math meeting in Champaign we ended up chatting in Neil's office. I raised some alternative models for lexical syntax and we discussed them with Steve Hunt and the guys from the AMS. The approaches proposed as far as I remember were: a) y=ax+b \integral \from 0 \to n \of \sin ax \d x Here "ax" is tokenized as two tokens "a" and "b". backslash is needed before multicharacter name tokens. A non-name character is needed after such tokens (e.g. space, backslash or other non-alphanumeric character). This allows names to be identified as a complete strings without prior knowledge, and avoids potential errors, e.g. in interpreting "\sinax" vs "\sin ax". The backslash mechanism is used for all special symbols or functions. b) y=ax+b &integral; &from;0&to;n&of;&sin;axⅆx Here special characters such as the differential "d", the symbol "e" and non-ascii characters like greek letters and other symbols and functions are expressed as SGML named or numeric character entities (Unicode character numbers are assumed for the latter). This is similar to existing SGML notations except that it uses entities as operators rather than relying on tags. c) y= a x + b integral from 0 to n of sin a x \d x This avoids the need for special escapes although the backslash mechanism can be used (\d is distinct from "d" and treated as the differential d). In our discussions, this was I believe the preferred lexical scheme, and corresponds to the one I implemented. In most cases it is the shortest, and easiest to read. Scheme (b) is the least legible, so scheme (a) is my second choice. I think Neil suggested a blend of (a) and (b) but by providing two alternative escaping mechanisms seems open to trouble. I have made significant progress with an augmented operator precedence parser in dealing with expressions like in (c). The meta-language consists of operator declarations plus rules for matching brackets and other groupings such as the integral sign with the \d symbol. I look forward to Bruce's suggested grammar as a means for testing these ideas further.Received on Monday, 13 May 1996 19:19:01 UTC
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