Hello, everyone. I just wanted to thank Dave Raggett for inviting me to join this group and to let you know what i'm up to. I'm a student at Waterloo, but currently on exchange at Tottori University in Japan. I hope that i can make a useful contribution to the WWW community with regard to structured expressions. For the past few months i have been working on my own independent project to bring mathematical and structural expression to the World-Wide Web (of course, without knowledge of the existence of this working group), and the results of my personal work are in the form of a proposal and a working implementation at the following URL: http://www.lfw.org/math/ (If you visited the site when i first put it up two weeks ago, please have a look again as i have just updated it to incorporate more details of the design and implementation.) The implementation makes it possible to render mathematical expressions in any graphical browser, now. It's been operational on the public site for about two weeks, but i've just finished rewriting some parts of it in Python for extensibility. The implementation consists of a lexical analyzer and operator precedence parser in Python, a caching WWW mediator in Perl, and a standalone HTTP server in C which renders expressions (using any X-Windows-style PCF fonts) and encodes them as GIF images. It is also fully extensible right from the start -- to other notations (currently described in terms of a list of operators with precedences), other contexts besides mathematics, and other styles (i.e. representations for other media or user preferences). It does not yet do macro expansion, but i have a design ready and will be implementing that soon as well. I intend for macro expansion to take place at the level of the semantic tree (i.e. not on the string before parsing). Also, i tried a quick little plug-in (not on the site) for Grail 0.3 (a Python/Tk browser) and things work well; i was able to browse pages containing mathematics quite easily with Grail. The system description on the site is now fairly complete. I would welcome your thoughts on this work. Since Dave invited me to the group i've looked through some of the messages on the mail archive. I'm going to post my comments in response to various issues in the next few messages, if that's okay. Thanks for reading, PingReceived on Monday, 17 June 1996 07:30:57 UTC
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