Following are a few comments and reactions I had in reading the Wolfram proposal. Bruce seemed to write in such a way as to indicate presence beyond his own, although this may be only a distinction between corporate ownership and personal authorship. In any case, I do appreciate the effort that has gone into the proposal and think it will help us a great deal in making our remarks concrete. Thanks very much, Bruce. I also look forward to a means of testing the rendering aspects by filtering some large quantity of AMS TeX data into the proposed standard. "Accurate" rendering (within latitude of human interpretability) is the highest current priority from an AMS vantage. If there is further work to be done on AMS data to enable HTML rendering, the cost of that work will certainly be a factor in whether AMS actually uses the standard. Comments on the proposal ------------------------ These remarks are in no particular order. If I've overlooked some explicit statements in the proposal which would clarify a situation, I won't be surprised; just point me in the right direction! I'm also not claiming that these items should take the highest priority in our discussions. They're for consideration only. It's difficult for me to discuss the broad issue of whether the Wolfram proposal is fundamentally sound without treating some of the smaller niggly details in the process. As these remarks are made, I'm thinking both of the lower level project to filter AMS data into the standard, and the higher level considerations of whether the proposal is broadly workable and in accord with the realities of mathematical notation. 1. I wonder to what degree the standard supports nesting of text and math within math. String literals support a form of text, but I have in mind a structure such as <math> .... <text> ... <math mode=inline> ... </math> ... </text> .... </math> One might see this in a statement which involves "cases" or in situations where some natural language description sweeps over a perhaps non-existent notational formulation (" ... and all terms of the form <math> ... </math>"). Often nesting is a more natural mode of markup than alternation between text and math in these situations. I understand the math interpreter will have to handle SGML-style notations in reading entities and math markup, but do we have in mind that the math interpreter also has to interpret standard HTML code in a text element within math? (And further interpret math within that text element?) 2. I think there are many font calls in math which are most naturally expressed as (say) prefix operators, and not in the normal HTML method. It may be that distinguished methods would lead to confusion, although I'll mention that AMSTeX and AMSLaTeX distinguish between "textual" font changes and math font changes, and users seem to have accommodated themselves to this. Font calls as operators also accord more with their function as "embellishments", as an accent might be regarded (so that "˜ f" and "&bold; f" remain parallel). 3. I'm uncertain as to whether "embellishing" an operator on the left via a font call or an accent is read as such. The language When an operator is directly followed by another (postfix or infix) operator with the attribute embellisher=true, the first operator is "embellished" by the second one (and by its right operand, if any). The parser generates an internal expression headed by moperator (before applying transformation rules), and treats it as if it was itself an operator with the attributes of its "base" (the embellished operator), i.e. uses them for parsing the surrounding source text. makes me think that "˜ +" may be regarded as something else. How is embellishment-from-the-left handled? 4. I wonder if it makes more sense to use the ISO12083 approach as a basis for the fundamental layout schemata rather than TeX. I'm only thinking this might help upward compatibility. I haven't looked at details, but do think that this is exactly what ISO12083 was up to. 5. I hope that in the end the precedence values have a more abstract front-end for users to interact with. Hard-coding something like "400" for a precedence value may well lead to trouble (i.e. rigidity) down the road. How many different values are there at the moment? I would think that extensibility would better be achieved by ordering a new precedence abstractly within existing precedences rather than assigning an absolute value. This would also get over the (perhaps not-terribly-worrisome) discreteness characteristic of the natural number ording. It seems better to use a dense ordering as a basis than a discrete ordering. 6. The proposal treats relational signs such as "=" and "<" as operators (presumably with truth values as range). I am assuming that the standard visual rendering which places more whitespace around these symbols than, say, binary operators such as "+" and "*" would be achieved on the basis of precedence values. Is this true? The lower the precedence the wider the space? Done on a continuity basis (this might make things harder to read)? Is this for infix operators only? 7. I have some vague misgivings about a lack of symmetry in our notational forms. While symmetry breaks down under rendering, I would like to achieve more symmetry in the underlying methods treating the notation. The remark above regarding font calls as operators is in this vein. At the moment I can't describe the style I would like in any productive way. I'll say more when I feel I can capture the point better. -RonReceived on Sunday, 2 June 1996 14:14:48 UTC
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