Dear Ron (and everyone else). I would like to respond more forcefully to Bill Hammond. I read your preliminary response, and it looks like a well thought out response. It seems like a good thing upon which to base a committee response. However, I am planning to respond him myself in the EMJ journal, independently from the committee. Here is a draft of my letter. If someone violently objects, write to me and I will change it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Dr. Hammond, I have read your recent postings concerning HTML math with interest, since I am one of the people involved (I am working on proof of concept software for the forthcoming HTML Math proposal). I agree with many of your points, and I am certainly glad to see someone expressing vigorous interest in HTML math. I am not writing in any official capacity for the committee. This is just my opinion, so you can take it with a grain of salt, if you wish. However, I want to write because I am actually quite enthusiastic about the progress on the HTML math proposal and software, and I hope I can at least partially pursuade you as well. Here are some of the reasons behind my enthusiasm: 1. I generally agree with you about the importance of a lowest common denominator way of putting math on the web. After all, I wrote WebEQ to support the expired HTML math draft. Your point about the project getting derailed by adding to much complicated functionality is well taken. 2. The old HTML Math draft died for a couple of important reasons. First, there was no commercial backing for it -- no major commercial browser maker or software house implemented it. And second, the scientific community didn't push it enough to over come that. 3. In order to accomplish point 1 it is necessary to address point 2. The new proposal is based on devising a system in *layers* which allow us to serve each of these different groups. a. The top layer provides simple, easy-to-enter math notation. A good parser allows people to write traditional style notation, ignoring semantic information, and still get decent rendering. b. The middle layer allows sophisticated users to add more semantic information. Ordinary people would never even have to know you have to insert an "invisible times" between xy for it to mean x*y. It is important to note, that by providing support for this, HTML Math now has *commercial support* from major scientific CAS software companies. c. The bottom layer allows sophisticated users to alter default rendering attributes. Using a rich set of attributes in a Cascading Style Sheet way, one obtains the machinery to do near TeX quality rendering. This is important in pursuading the *scientific community* that it is worth supporting. 4. The end of the project is in sight. I can practically guarantee a reasonably good implementation of the bottom rendering layer by the end of October. The quality is capped by current technology; the browser makers need to give us API and font support, but the machinery will be in place. It is likely we will have a prototype of the whole system done by mid fall. By next spring, I could imagine it being reasonably integrated into some browsers. On a more depressing note, a big part of the reason I am enthusiastic about the prospects of HTML Math is that in my position of technical researcher at the Geometry Center, I can devote full time to the project. As cross disciplinary research facility, the Geometry Center exists to advance scientific infrastructure development work like this, work that would go much more slowly in a commercially motivated private sector. Unfortunately, the National Science Foundation has announced its intention to phase out funding for the Geometry Center. If that happens, I fear future undertakings like HTML Math will suffer greatly. More information can be found at: Robert Miner Geometry Center Technical StaffReceived on Tuesday, 23 July 1996 22:11:36 UTC
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