In his message of Monday 8 July, Bruce Smith asserts: > > I think the properties I named above absolutely guarantee > that a transformation rule based scheme can work well... Certainly it is good to know that a proposal does not prevent future extensibility methods. But this might not be enough. --------------------------------------------------------------- problem Firstly, without a design that is sufficiently general from the start, the attachment of extensions later will sharply divide what is "internal" from what is "external". "Native" constructs and "foreign" constructs will no doubt behave differently and be implemented differently, increasing the complexity of the system unnecessarily. It is likely that some users will be stranded with a limited system because their particular setup doesn't support a given "extension", and so this will likewise separate "native" documents from "foreign" documents which require special treatment. This arbitrary barrier leaves plentiful opportunities for dispute and frustration ("why did they put group theory in the standard but not topology?" etc.). Secondly, even if the design is limited to "basics" to begin with, it's clear that the "basics" are actually quite many. Attempting to package these all in at once risks bloating the native implementation with large databases of names and their associated rendering code. We are forced to trade off between groups of unsatisfied mathematicians and a cumbersome product. Thirdly, the very decision of what goes in and what stays out could substantially delay the production of the standard -- even more than it would take to develop an extensibility method from scratch. (But, better yet, we *aren't* starting from scratch, because i've already got one.) -------------------------------------------------------------- solution My vision for MINSE is to have both context information and rendering instructions downloadable from the Web, which solves the above three problems. I aim for minimalism and orthogonality. There is no distinction between "native" and "foreign" things; all constructions are flexibly specified in "style definitions" which are grouped according to the target medium. Bruce Smith challenges: > > Again, I suggest that the burden of proof be on those who say > this is sufficiently easy to do -- propose, if you will, a > fully specified design for a system of author-extensibility... Here is the summary, as promised; the following is a simplified description of how expressions are processed and rendered. A more detailed description of the design has been on the web site for a while, so i apologize to those of you who have read the material there and for whom the following is redundant. All semantic constructions are represented as named "compounds" containing "sub-elements" (which may themselves be compounds). Fundamental elements are either "identifiers", "numbers", or "names" [SYNTAX]. Processing happens in two stages [DESIGN]: from the expression to the semantic tree, and then from the tree to the rendering. 1. The expression as entered is considered to be a fairly direct representation of the parse tree, except for two kinds of abbreviations: operators (unary, infix, serial, grouping, and application), and named macros. Operators associate their arguments and macros expand into trees during this first stage. This stage uses auxiliary information in a "notation definition" -- downloadable from the Web -- which declares the precedence levels, names, and associativity of operators. Macros may be declared either in the notation definition or in a document. 2. The second stage uses auxiliary information in "style definitions" -- also downloadable from the Web -- consisting of a number of methods defined in Python which are grouped into classes according to the target media type. The job of these methods is to take a tree and "transform" it into the media-specific data which constitute the rendering. The semantic tree is stored as a Python tuple object. It is passed to the method associated with its root compound, which calls other methods to transform its sub-elements and combines the results in an appropriate manner. Finally a method to post-process the final result is invoked, if one is defined. --------------------------------------------------------------- addenda Some auxiliary points: ---------------------------------------------- transformation rules --- - In response to my earlier message Bruce Smith asked a number of questions pertaining to rule-based expansion. As i wrote in my earlier message entitled "on parsing", there is no rule-based expansion. For the first stage, the author must explicitly distinguish macros or compounds, thus avoiding any ambiguity. For the second stage, the transformation is well-defined by the style definition. Though at first it appeared that rule-based expansion had advantages because the syntax can read more like English, i think it presents a distinct obstacle to extensibility. As the number of rules grows without bound, the chances of confusion increase because there is no way to explicitly denote the parse tree. Moreover, the ordering of rules is crucial and i think that having many of them could lead to some surprises. So doing all the transformation using only matching rules seems to put an upper bound on extensibility. On the other hand, it isn't at all clear to me that such transformation rules are sufficient to provide all the presentational control that people may want. To provide a concrete example, right now the MINSE style definitions display grouping by alternating parentheses and square brackets with increasing depth. You need Python for this. Transformation rules seem too powerful for the notation side and not powerful enough for the style side. ----------------------------------------------- context definitions --- - After the first stage is complete we have an internal representation of the expression that carries all of its meaning. The meaning is obtainable from the chosen "context definition" (for example, as descriptive strings in the prevalent language). - The meanings given in the context definition should make it possible for a user reading the expression to select elements in the expression and find out what they mean. Not only might this be very valuable for a learning environment, but it also helps ensure accurate communication under all circumstances. - The context definition is also consulted before calling any of the style-class methods to ensure that the argument counts are correct and that the compound names are known. Only the context definition may define exceptions; style definitions do not. Each media class is given its own methods for handling exceptions and producing indications in the appropriate form. - All definition files can be overlaid on others, using the mechanism of class inheritance. Thus, much as with CSS, a user can import a standard definition and then add or change a few things to suit the circumstances. (Styles, contexts, and notations don't all have to reside in separate files.) -------------------------------------------------------- deployment --- - The syntax is separate from HTML, and can be deployed without the introduction of any new HTML elements (via the new OBJECT element). However, for practical reasons, ONE tag is proposed for including expressions: <SE>. I plan to take advantage of the existing LINK element to specify relationships to style, context, or notation definition files. ------------------------------------------------------ macro syntax --- - A macro represents a tree, not a string; when a macro is defined, the name is bound to the semantic tree that results from parsing the given expression. I'm considering a notation like the following, where "@" followed by a name invokes a macro and "@" followed by an integer substitutes an argument: To declare a macro you might say <se declare="cuberoot">'root(@1,3)</se> To invoke a macro you might say <se>@cuberoot(x+4)</se> Macro expansion is never delayed. This scheme avoids recursion and ensures that macros will be error-free. -------------------------------------------------- Python rationale --- - Python was selected because it gives the necessary descriptive power and flexibility to produce renderings from the semantic tree, while providing sufficient security for downloaded code. Python also provides high-level data types like dictionaries, tuples, modules, and classes, as well as exception handling. Using a feature of Python, all execution of downloaded code can take place in a completely separate scope. This both ensures that the processor (also in Python) is safe, and lets us slash away most of the built-in functions, leaving only basic things like string and tuple manipulation. ------------------------------------------------------------ references [DESIGN] [SYNTAX] Well, there you have it. Thanks for reading this far, if you did. PingReceived on Tuesday, 9 July 1996 08:23:58 UTC
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