The following is how i would mark up the example posted by Ron Whitney using MINSE. Some notes about Ron's markup and what is done here are included first (where i refer to Ron's points, i mean the ones in the more recent HTML posting unless otherwise specified). ------------------------------------------------------- notes on example 1. Ron mentioned his use of <mo> </mo> to indicate that the entity (ν \cdot \nabla) is an operator (Ron's point 4). With MINSE, i think this won't be necessary. The "oper" compound indicates operator application and implies that its first argument is an operator, much like "apply" means function application, while implying that the first argument is a function. "oper" typically may be rendered just by placing its two arguments side by side. This lets you write things like "(D^2 + 3D + 1)f" where the D is the derivative operator. The convention for parentheses which is described in Bruce's current proposal makes it impossible to do this without special provisions like "&FunctionApplication;", as i previously noted. 2. Note that what Ron has as (ν \cdot \nabla) i marked up as (?nu? .dot 'Grad), assuming that the \cdot meant "dot product" and that the \nabla meant "gradient". Similarly, i have assumed that ⊗ means a tensor product. If, as i suspect, i have chosen the wrong meanings because i have no expertise in the subject of this paper, these can be replaced with the appropriate compound names. 3. Ron also mentioned his use of &FunctionApplication; to indicate the application of the new operators "div" and "curl", and possibly to indicate the application of "max" and "lim" (Ron's points 5 and 9). With MINSE we don't need to worry about this ambiguity because we can just add context definitions for "div" and "curl". Here the name i chose reflects my assumption that "div" means "divergence". 4. In many situations multiple comparisons are written in a chain, which happens here under the "max" compounds with "0 <= i <= T". How does your notation deal with this and the issue of operator associativity? I ran up against this problem of serial and chained operators and solved it before the prototype went up on June 2 by placing all the relational operators on the same precedence level with the special associativity "chain", allowing the definition of a "comparison" compound which can infer that "0 <= i <= T" means "(0 <= i) and (i <= T)". 5. Ron mentioned that "R" is used for two different meanings (his point 1 in the TeX posting). There is no such ambiguity if you use "'Real" to mean the reals and "R" to mean a named variable. 6. With regard to Ron's point 2, i didn't know the meaning of Dν/Dt, but if i knew that it was a special kind of derivative i could have defined a new compound to take care of it. For now i have just treated the D as the name of an operator. 7. A new compound "funcdep" is defined to indicate the "functional dependence" which Ron mentioned (his point 3 in the TeX posting). I don't know what it means to place "t" as a prescript in front of the pair "?nu?;1, ?nu?;2", so i was not able to choose a more meaningful compound name. The new compound is attained with a context definition. 8. As with Ron's example, alignment is left for later (Ron's point 3). 9. Ron marked up "absolute value" using &leftvert; and &rightvert; (Ron's point 7). How is the grouping ability of these symbols declared? I used an absolute-value compound because i thought it was more appropriate here. The ability to write things this way is only a convenience, but a provision for bracketing constructs shouldn't be hard to add to MINSE's notation parser. This would let you define new bracketing constructs easily in the notation definition, so that you could write [0, 'inf) if you wanted to. 10. The ad hoc matrix multiplication operator (Ron's point 7 in the TeX posting) is again handled by simply making a new compound. If it were used frequently, the author could just add a new binary operator to the notation definition and the precedence and associativity would be defined there. In Ron's markup, i'm not at all sure what the consequences of an operator with undefined precedence would be (Ron's point 11). 11. On the very last line of Ron's markup we've got ∑_{i,j}a_{ij}b_{ij} This doesn't seem to make it clear that {ij} is to be a double subscript as opposed to an identifier "ij" or something else. With MINSE i wrote "a;i;j" because the index operator ";" is left-associative and can indicate that "a" is indexed with "i" and then indexed with "j". Alternatively, "a" could be indexed with the pair "i,j" using the comma operator. Notice also that here Ron uses the underscore to represent both the conditions on the summation and the indices on the variables. I'm not certain that this distinction can always be unambiguously made; an index operator makes this much clearer. 12. Superscripts abound in this example, and as Ron noted they have the various meanings of product and index (Ron's point 5 in the TeX posting). In the cases where they indicate an index, as in L^1 and C^\infty, they are so distinguished with the compound "upidx". The lack of a more meaningful name is again due to my lack of experience. 13. Parens are also used for all sorts of meanings in this example (Ron's point 6 in the TeX posting), and i think it's impossible to tell the difference between the interval "(0,&infinity;)" and the pair "(ν_1,ν_2)" the way Ron has it marked up. It is also very unclear when the parens indicate function application, as in "ν^ε(x,t)". This is all distinguished in the MINSE markup using different compounds. Function application is the only case implied just by the parentheses; the compound "openopen" is used for writing an interval open at both ends, alleviating this ambiguity. 14. The excerpt doesn't reach the end of the HTML ordered list <ol>. 15. Ron wrote: > BTW, in using the convenient screen display form for <math> elements, > I've segregated these elements so that the text of the paragraph after > </math> starts on a new line. I take it this adds significant space in an > SGML document. I'm not sure i understand what is meant here -- adding any kind of extra whitespace to an HTML document doesn't change the spacing, except in PRE elements. The layout is handled in the following markup using ordinary HTML elements, treating the SE elements as part of the text flow. I used paragraphs because there is currently no means of setting out figures in HTML. Upon seeing that figures would be a useful layout idiom for more than just images, i proposed something for it a while ago, but not much happened to it. See for details. The closest thing we have now might be MS Internet Explorer's "floating frame", but that is by no means standard. Excerpt from the above URL: > This gives us an element for surrounding and positioning *anything* > in a box with an optional caption, credit, or overlay. [...] --------------------------------------- suggested HTML markup of example <head> ... <link rel=notation "http://.../somefile.not"> <link rel=context "http://.../somefile.ctx"> </head> <body> ... <p>The Euler equations for an inviscid incompressible 2-D fluid flow are given by <p align=center> <se>'quot(D .oper ?nu?,D .oper t) = -'grad(p)</se>, <se>x .eltof 'Real^2</se>, <se>t > 0</se> <br> <se>'diverg(?nu?) = 0</se>, <se>?nu?(x,0) = ?nu?;0(x)</se> </p> <p>where <se>?nu? = 'funcdep('pair(?nu?;1,?nu;2),t)</se> is the fluid velocity, <se>p</se> is the scalar pressure, <se>'quot(D .oper ?nu?,D .oper t) = 'partial(?nu?,t) + 'oper(?nu? .dot 'Grad, ?nu?)</se>, and <se>?nu?;0</se> is an initial incompressible velocity field, <i class=latin>i.e.</i> <se>'diverg(?nu?;0) = 0</se>. <p>In this paper, we study the detailed limiting behaviour of approximate solution sequences for 2-D Euler with vortex sheet initial data. A sequence of smooth velocity fields <se>(?nu? .upidx ?epsilon?)(x,t)</se> is an <dfn>approximate solution sequence</dfn> for 2-D Euler provided that the <se>?nu?</se> is incompressible, <i class=latin>i.e.</i> <se>'diverg(?nu?) = 0</se>, and satisfies the following properties: <ol> <li>The velocity fields <se>?nu? .upidx ?epsilon?</se> have uniformly bounded local kinetic energy, <i class=latin>i.e.</i> <p align=center> <se>'max('integ('abs((?nu? .upidx ?epsilon?)(x,t))^2,x,'abs(x) <= R), 0 <= i <= T) <= C</se> </p> <p>for any <se>R, T > 0</se>. <li>The corresponding vorticity, <se>?omega?^2 = 'curl(?nu? .upidx ?epsilon?)</se>, is uniformly bounded in <se>L .upidx 1</se>, <i class=latin>i.e.</i> <p align=center> <se>'max('integ('abs((?omega? .upidx ?epsilon?)(x,t)),x), 0 <= i <= T) <= C</se> </p> <p>for any <se>T > 0</se>. <li>The vortex field <se>?nu? .upidx ?epsilon?</se> is weakly consistent with 2-D Euler, i.e. for all smooth test functions, <se>?phi? .eltof (C .upidx 'inf)('Real^2 .cartprod 'openopen(0,'inf))</se> with <se>'diverg(?phi?) = 0</se>, <p align=center> <se>'lim('integ('integ(?phi?;t .dot ?nu?^2 + 'matprod('Grad .oper ?phi?, ?nu? .upidx ?epsilon? .tensorprod ?nu? .upidx ?epsilon?), x), t), ?epsilon? .approach 0) = 0</se>. </p> <p>Here <se>?nu? .tensorprod ?nu? = 'pair(v;i,v;j)</se>, <se>'Grad .oper ?phi? = 'partial(?phi?;i,x;j)</se>, and <se>'matprod(A,B)</se> denotes the matrix product <se>'Sum(a;i;j,b;i;j,(i,j))</se>. We remark in passing... ------------------------------------------------------------- discussion On the whole, i think i'd have to say that the proliferation of homonyms in Ron's example makes me rather uncomfortable. Parens, superscripts, and juxtaposition have so many different meanings in the HTML markup he posted that -- even if it were possible for mapping rules to choose which meaning is intended -- i don't think i would just trust the rules to pick the right one every time, and guessing exactly how to appease them by manipulating the notation would quickly get troublesome. I would much prefer getting into the habit of consistently saying what i mean instead of hoping that it gets interpreted right. Moreover, what if authors later want to define new meanings for juxtaposition or parentheses? There seems to be no provision for this because the juxtaposition itself is used to figure out the meaning. I think it makes more sense to go the other way, i.e. from the meaning to the notation instead of guessing the meaning from things like juxtaposition and parentheses. I welcome your comments on this approach. I am sorry that i cannot participate in the conference calls, but i imagine that this example will make a very interesting and useful topic of discussion and i look forward to hearing about what happens in your meeting. PingReceived on Sunday, 7 July 1996 22:19:08 UTC
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