>I believe you have to differentiate between accents (up, down or middle) >and overline/underline. The way we use it in the Elsevier journal DTDs >is as follows: accents are always over/under/through one symbol or character. >Overline and underline can be over multiple characters. Default ornament >is a line; other possibilities are ^ ~ { [ and a few more. There are also >styles: all ornaments can be bold, some can double (line, [ () some >can triple, be dashed, dotted. I can provide more details if people wish. It seems to me we are going to have to add some additional layout schema to handle these cases properly. I would appreciate a few more details so that we can propose adequately general layout schema to accomodate them. RobertReceived on Wednesday, 3 July 1996 16:26:43 UTC
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