Re: [w3c] Call for Participation: Workshop on Conversational Applications



Workshop on Conversational Applicationsの見解書ご提出期限は4月16日です

は,<> までお知らせください.



Kazuyuki Ashimura wrote:
> W3C日本会員および関係者の皆様,
> W3C/慶應の芦村です.
> いつも大変お世話になっております.
> W3C Voice Browser Working Group および Multimodal Interaction Working
> Group では,来る6月18-19日,米国ニュージャージー州サマーセットにて,
> "Workshop on Conversational Applications" を開催いたしますので,振るっ
> てご参加ください.本ワークショップの目的は,各国言語による対話的アプリ
> ケーションを構築するために必要とされる,既存の言語モデルや辞書フォーマッ
> トを越えた新しい言語モデルについて検討することです.
> 本ワークショップには,W3C会員の皆様のみならず,非会員も含めた一般の皆様
> にご参加いただけますので,是非この機会にご参加登録ください.なお,ご参
> 加にあたっては,2-3ページ程度の "Position Paper" (見解書) のご提出が必
> 要となります.
> ワークショップの詳細につきましては,末尾に添付のメールおよび,以下のご
> 参加募集ページをご覧いただけますと幸いです.
> [ご参加募集ページ]
> [スケジュール]
> * ワークショップ開催日: 2010年6月18日-19日
> * 見解書ご提出締切: 2010年4月16日 (締切りが延びました)
>   <> までお送りください.
> * 議題公開: 2010年5月1日
> * 登録締切: 2010年6月4日
> ご不明な点等ございましたら,どうぞお気兼ねなくお問い合わせください.皆
> 様のご参加をお待ち申し上げております.
> 以上
> よろしくお願いいたします.
> Kazuyuki
> ---
> W3C is holding the Workshop on Conversational Applications.  The
> Workshop will be held in Somerset, NJ, US, hosted by Openstream.
> The Call for Participation is available at:
> Important dates and deadlines for this Workshop are:
> * Workshop dates: 18 and 19 June 2010
> * Position papers due: 16 April 2010 (paper due extended!)
> * Final agenda: 1 May 2010
> * Registration closes: 4 June 2010
> To participate in the Workshop, please submit a position paper
> (either as an individual or organization) to
> <> by 11:59 EDT on 16 April 2010.
> Registration details and information about expected audience are in
> the Call for Participation.
> Please note:
> * To ensure maximum diversity, the number of participants per
>   organization will be limited.
> * W3C membership is not required to participate in this workshop.
> * Workshop sessions and documents will be in English.
> * Attendees are required to submit a position paper.
> The Workshop will be organized by the workshop organizing committee
> including James A. Larson, Deborah Dahl, Daniel C. Burnett and
> Kazuyuki Ashimura.
> Workshop Goals
> --------------
> The goal of the workshop is to understand the limitations of the
> current W3C language model in order to develop a more comprehensive
> model. We plan to collect and analyze use cases and prioritize
> requirements that ultimately will be used to identify improvements to
> the W3C language model. Just as W3C developed SSML 1.1 to broaden the
> languages for which SSML is useful, this effort will result in
> improved support for language capabilities that are unsupported today.
> The main outcome of the workshop will be the publication of a document
> that will serve as a guide for improving the W3C language model.
> Scope of the Workshop
> ---------------------
> Submissions must describe (1) requirements and use cases for improving
> W3C standards for conversational interaction and (2) how the use cases
> justify one or more of these topics:
> * Formal notations for representing grammar in: Syntax, Morphology,
>   Phonology, Prosodics
> * Engine standards for improvement in processing: Syntax, Morphology,
>   Phonology, Lexicography
> * Lexicography standards for: parts-of-speech, grammatical features
>   and polysemy
> * Formal semantic representation of human language including: verbal
>   tense, aspect, valency, plurality, pronouns, adverbs, etc.
> * Efficient data structures for binary representation and passing of:
>   parse trees, alternate lexical/morphologic analysis, alternate
>   phonologic analysis
> * Other suggested areas or improvements for standards based
>   conversational systems development
> Contact Information
> -------------------
> The W3C contact is Kazuyuki Ashimura.
> email:
> voice: +81.466.49.1170
> fax: +81.466.49.1171
> Regards,
> Kazuyuki
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 配信停止について
> 今後このような情報提供がご不要の方は、お手数ですがメールにて以下までお
> 知らせください.
> <>

Kazuyuki Ashimura / W3C Multimodal & Voice Activity Lead
voice: +81.466.49.1170 / fax: +81.466.49.1171

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2010 16:57:50 UTC