[fwd] Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption (Call for Participation) (from: lesch@w3.org)

----- Forwarded message from Susan Lesch <lesch@w3.org> -----

From: Susan Lesch <lesch@w3.org>
To: chairs@w3.org
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 14:16:12 -0500
Subject: Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption (Call  for

Dear Chairs,

W3C is holding the following Workshop to gather experiences and next steps for
the XML Signature and XML Encryption suites of specifications [1]:

    W3C Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption

    25-26 September 2007
    Mountain View, California, USA
    Hosted by VeriSign

    Workshop Chairs:
    Frederick Hirsch (Nokia), and
    Thomas Roessler (W3C)

Please see the Call for Participation for complete details:

Important Dates

   * 14 August        Deadline for position papers
   * 1 September      Acceptance notices
   * 10 September     Final Workshop Program available
   * 10 September     Deadline for registration
   * 25-26 September  Workshop

Workshop Goals and Scope

The goal of this Workshop is to make recommendations to W3C and the recently
chartered XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group [1], and to
build community consensus about possible next steps for the XML security
specifications. XML Signature and XML Encryption have seen broad deployment,
and form the basis for a number of security related specifications in the Web
and Web services worlds. The Workshop will review the issues and lessons
learned in implementation, deployment and development of specifications based
on these standards and will investigate:

    * Interoperability and robustness, such as spurious validation errors
    * Performance aspects of implementations
    * Use cases and requirements such as legal requirements for digital
      signature formats
    * Experience and consequences of building other specifications or
      standards based on the XML Signature and XML Encryption suites
    * Interaction with the evolving XML environment in general as well as
      specifically XML 1.1 and Efficient XML Interchange (EXI)


The Workshop is free, and open to both W3C Members and to non-members. Public
proceedings will be published after the event. Space is limited and
participation may be limited by organization. Position papers are required.

We are looking forward to your participation. If you should have any
questions, please contact Thomas Roessler, Security Activity Lead, at

This announcement follows section 9 of the W3C Process Document on Workshops
and Symposia.

Thank you,

For Ralph Swick, Technology and Society Domain Leader; and
Frederick Hirsch and Thomas Roessler, Workshop Chairs;
Susan Lesch, W3C Communications Team

[1] http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/

----- End forwarded message -----

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 19:33:38 UTC