Re: XAdES v.1.2.2 request for comments

Hi Juan Carlos,

Is there any public mailing list or archive where these comments
can be reviewed? Also, is there a list of implementations other
than those that participated in the interop? 

I know that some people used parts of Xades timestamp in some projects. 
Having a page that lists them on-line list could be good.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 01:20:18PM +0200, Juan Carlos Cruellas wrote:
> ETSI has started now the review process of XAdES v.1.2.2
> based on experience gained in its usage since its publication.
> The objective of ETSI is to issue an improved version that
> corrects any mistake  that the current spec may have, and
> also that improves mechanisms and techniques in the light
> of its usage.
> Those of you having any comment, question or suggestion
> related to XAdES current specification may
> send it directly to me. I will pass it to the group
> in charge.

Received on Monday, 25 April 2005 14:48:19 UTC