RFC 3275 and PKCS#11

Hi all.
I�m new to the list, so please excuse questions that are out of place.
(I�ve also had problems posting to it, so I hope this only appears once)

I�m trying to put together a design for signing files using XML signatures 
as specified in RFC 3275. I�ll be using X.509v3 certificates stored on 
smartcards, so PKCS#11 seems to be needed.
However, I can�t seem to find any documentation on using XML Signatures and 
PKCS#11 together. Are these two issues somewhat separate (one is the actual 
signature generation, and the other is the format once the signature is 
made), or are there relevant information out there?
Can someone please direct my to a source toughing on XML signatures and 

Many thanks,

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Received on Thursday, 25 November 2004 16:32:03 UTC