Re: SOAP Message Canonicalization

> A fair point, though assuming a vendor has already implemented the 
> transform and exclusive c14n then implementing the combination should be 
> pretty straightforward.

Sure, but if a vendor doesn't do transforms (or doesn't do them easily), 
then having a transform version requires them to do something like 
canonicalize and hash the transform to see if it's something they can 
short-circuit.  That can be expensive.  Far easier to just do string 
compare and call your "fast xslt" if you're that kind of vendor.

My meta-point is that having two ways of doing the same thing is bad, 
and that uri->xslt is simpler and safe for folks that work that way, 
rather than xslt->code-implementing-the-uri.

Received on Friday, 10 January 2003 12:36:02 UTC