Formality: W3C XML Signature and XML Encryption Activities Closed

Colleagues, this information doesn't change the status/usage of these lists 
(the occasional bug report and interop question), it's just a bit of 
process formality and personal news.

The W3C charters for both of these activities expired in December 2002. I 
thought that meant they were "closed" but last week we also reiterated 
their status as such to the W3C Advisory Committee as you can see below. 
(The W3C hasn't had that much experience closing successful WGs, and as 
always dsig and xenc are spear-heading new ground, as we did with the joint 
dsig work, public WGs, the Candidate Recommendation level and interop 
reports <smile/>). I believe the "IETF side" of dsig is still open pending 
Informational RFC's that Don might produce, but I'll defer to Don for news 
on that.

Finally, later in the summer I will be joining NYU's Media Ecology PhD 
program. Our collaborations on XML Signature and Encryption have been 
extremely rewarding to me professionally and personally; I want to thank 
you all again for your efforts and patience! I might even be able to stay 
involved with the W3C, but in any case I expect there will be a team 
contact assigned to monitor the list as described below. Otherwise, 
information related to the transference of my responsibilities will be made 
in the relevant fora at a future date, but if you have any questions now, 
feel free to contact me.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,

Based on the successful completion of all chartered deliverables, the
Director announces that the XML Signature and Encryption Activities are
officially "closed."

Both Activities' charters expired in December 2002 by which time they
had successfully advanced all of their required deliverables to
Recommendation, and had documented deployment issues and errata.

Achievements of XML Signature and XML Encryption Activities
It is in order to congratulate the XML Signature and XML Encryption
Activities on their successful conclusion.

The XML Signature Activity delivered four W3C Recommendations (as well
as various IETF versions) and sixteen interoperable implementation
reports. It is the first joint W3C-IETF Working Group, and managed to
coordinate both process and technical issues.
Closing Activities
This notification is being sent as part of a developing process for
closing successful Activities while addressing "Life After Rec" issues.

Even though the probability of issues being raised against a
Recommendation decrease with time, it is still possible that an issue
could be raised more than a year after an Activity has completed.
Designating an Activity as "closed" means that the W3C Team will
dedicate only enough time monitor the comments list to determine if a
raised issue merits trivial action or requires additional commitment.
Any substantive commitment such as reconstituting a Working Group to
issue new versions of a specification will be proposed in a new
Activity proposal.

(Activities are otherwise encouraged to stay chartered, at a low level,
for an appropriate time after the issuance of a Recommendation to
collect errata and issue a revision if necessary before being closed.)

Furthermore, closed Activities will no longer be reported upon at
Advisory Committee meetings.

* I will be travelling May 22/23, and attending OSCOM3 May 28-30. 
I will not be as responsive during these periods but will 
respond to any email as soon as possible upon my return.

Received on Monday, 19 May 2003 14:25:20 UTC