Interop report on merlin-twenty-three test cases

Hi Joseph,

We are sorry for our being late for the report.

The following is our interop result against merlin-xmldsig-

Please update our record in the interop matrix.

P.S.  We have plans to provide the latest version of 
NEC XML Signature Library and to report the interop
result against xml-filter2.

Application Features:
 - Detached Signature:				Y2
 - Enveloping Signature
   same document reference
   with fragment (URI="#Object1"):		Y2
 - Enveloped Signature
   same document reference (URI="")
   with Enveloped Signature Transform:		Y2
 - SignatureValue generation/validation:	Y2
 - Manifest  DigestValue generation/valdiation	Y2
 - Feature: laxly schema valid Signature
   element generation				Y2
 - XPointers  '#xpointer(/)'			Y2
 - XPointers  '#xpointer(id("ID"))'		Y2
 - XPath					Y2
 - the dsig XPath 'here()' function (can
   be used to implement enveloped signature):	Y2
 - XSLT (note, the child XSLT element of
   Transform has been deprecated.)		Y2
 - RetrievalMethod (e.g., X509Data)		Y2
 - Digest/SHA1					Y2
 - Encoding/Base64				Y2
 - MAC/HMAC-SHA1				Y2
 - Signature/DSAwithSHA1(DSS)			Y2
 - Signature/RSAwithSHA1			Y2
 - Canonicalization/minimal			N
 - Canonicalization/Canonical XML(20010315)	Y2
 - Canonicalization/Canonical XML with comments	Y2
 - SignatureTransform/Enveloped Signature	Y2

The attached is our result of generating signatures on
*.tmpl files in merlin-twenty-three test cases.

If there is any problem, please let us know it.

Thank you.



Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2002 07:53:35 UTC