RE: XMLSec/LibXML interop update

Hi Aleksey,

Did you mean 125 msec or did it actually take two minutes and five seconds (125 sec)?

John Boyer

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksey Sanin []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: XMLSec/LibXML interop update

>>    XPath 2 Filter:
>>        * Y1:  merlin-xpath-filter2-three.tar.gz
>>        * on ~860 bogomips box (Celeron 400) the XPath 2 transform
>>          alone is done in about 120-150 msec; the whole file
>>          signature/verification takes about 800-850 msec (the
>>          combination of enveloped transform + XPath 2 filter is
>>          not optimized yet)
>Reflected in:
Just to let you know that after optimization, XMLSec verifies
merlin-xpath-filter2-three/sign-xfdl.xml file on the same
~860 bogomips box (Celeron 400) in less than 125 secs (XPath2 filter
processing takes about 30 msec).

Aleksey Sanin   
XML Security Library <>

Received on Tuesday, 6 August 2002 13:25:11 UTC