Re: Multiple signatures on multiple files

On Friday 26 July 2002 10:11 pm, David Wall wrote:
> Here's an example (with the attachment, logo, signature and public keys
> truncated for space) of what I have today.  I think I have an
> understanding now of how to do this better, using Signature elements that
> reference the common data elements, but I'm not sure.  Of course, I'd
> prefer to keep my data format and then wrap the signature elements we
> have with XML Signature elements.

I still can't say I undestand since you still seem to have your own 
signature scheme (and use say the first signature is, " composed of the 
elements: attachment.messageId,, fileSize, createdTimestamp, 
signedWithName, realSignedTimestamp, originalName, contentType, rawData, 
preText, and postText and ipAddr." How do you know that?

Regardless, I might have a sense of your larger application, and this 
pseudo-example demonstrates how might one do such a thing with XML 

The following is a message with a header, body, and two attachments. Two 
signature is included, the first is specified and contains two references: 
one to the first attement, and another to the associated Signature 
Properties. If you want to sign the *actual* attachment (instead of the 
attement element iwth id = "a1") you would need a transform that isolates 
the element content (e.g., XPath). You could further decode the base64 data 
in that element content, as decribed in:

  <headers id="h1">...</headers>
  <body id="b2">...</body>
  <attachment id="a1">...</attachment>
  <attachment id="a2">...</attachment>
  <Signature id="s1">
     <CanonicalizationMethod  Algorithm="../REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
     <SignatureMethod   Algorithm=../xmldsig#dsa-sha1"/>
    <Reference URI="a1">
        <Transform Algorithm="../isolate-the-base-64-encoded-object"/>
       <DigestMethod Algorithm="../xmldsig#sha1"/>
    <Reference URI="sp1">
        <Transform Algorithm="../c14n"/>
       <DigestMethod Algorithm="../xmldsig#sha1"/>
   <SignatureProperty Id="sp" Target="s1">
    <signedWithName><![CDATA[Leo Falcon]]></signedWithName>
    <userSignedDate seconds="1018249200">04/08/2002</userSignedDate>
    <realSignedTimestamp seconds="1018279613">04/08/02 8:26 AM
    <emailFullDisplayName confirmed="true" paidConfirmed="false"><![CDATA[
    <preText><![CDATA[By typing my name clicking the Add my signature 
button, I agree to be bound to the terms described in the attached sales
representative agreement.]]></preText>
  <Signature id="s2">...</Signature>

Received on Monday, 29 July 2002 13:03:08 UTC