Re: Implementors: Please Update Interop Matrix

  Hi, we are implementing XMLDSIG in Fujitsu limited.
Here's the current status of our implementation.
Could you update the following matrix?

merlin-xmldsig-sixteen.tar.gz   Keyword  
Detached Signature              MUST      Y1     
Enveloping Signature: same 
document reference with 
fragment (URI="#Object1")       MUST      Y1     
Enveloped Signature: same 
document reference (URI="")
with Enveloped Signature 
Transform.                      MUST      Y1     
SignatureValue generation/
validation                      MUST      Y1    
Manifest DigestValue 
generation/valdiation           MAY       Y1
Feature: laxly schema valid
Signature element generation    MUST      Y1  
XPointers '#xpointer(/)'        SHOULD    N   
[We will support it after our implementation of XPointer recommendation.]
XPointers '#xpointer(id("ID"))' SHOULD    N  
XPath                           SHOULD    Y1   
the dsig XPath 'here()' 
function (can be used to 
implement enveloped signature)  SHOULD    N 
XSLT (note, the child XSLT 
element of Transform has been 
deprecated.)                    MAY       N 
[We will support it next.]
RetrievalMethod (e.g., X509Data)SHOULD    N

merlin-xmldsig-sixteen.tar.gz   Keyword   
Digest SHA1                     MUST      Y1        
Encoding Base64                 MUST      Y1       
MAC HMAC-SHA1                   MUST      Y1  *
Signature DSAwithSHA1           MUST      Y1 
 RSAwithSHA1                    SHOULD    Y1 
Canonicalization minimal        SHOULD    N 
 Canonical XML (20010315)       MUST      Y1 
 Canonical XML with comments    SHOULD    Y1 
Signature Transform Enveloped
Signature                       MUST      Y1 

* In our implementation for Java2 Security API, 
we can use encoded byte array of a key.
But in our implementation for Microsoft Cryopto API, 
there is a limitation that an user must set byte array of a key 
and cannot use a block cipher key.
 The following test is OK for both mode.

signature-enveloped-dsa.xml           Y1 
signature-enveloping-b64-dsa.xml      Y1 
signature-enveloping-dsa.xml          Y1 
signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1-40.xml Y1
signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml    Y1
signature-enveloping-rsa.xml          Y1
signature-external-b64-dsa.xml        Y1
signature-external-dsa.xml            Y1

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2001 06:09:26 UTC