AW: KeyName white space


> Agreed. DNames already have this property (from RFC 2253 I think),
What do you mean? Currently XML-Signature does not say anything about
stripping the white space, nor is there a requirement in RFC 2253 to
be tolerant regarding whitespace at the beginning or at the end of a
DName string.

We currently make a trim() prior to parsing the DName string in our
implementation, but I would like to see an appropriate sentence in 

> and I believe so do base-64 coded data as well as integers, so
> this would unify pretty much all of our text handling.

Liebe Gruesse/Regards, 
DI Gregor Karlinger
Phone +43 316 873 5541
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2001 05:29:31 UTC