AW: Implementors: Please Update Interop Matrix


please find below the features of IAIK's implementation with respect to the
interop examples from Merlin.

merlin-xmldsig-sixteen.tar.gz   Keyword   IAIK  
Detached Signature              MUST      Y1
Enveloping Signature: same 
document reference with 
fragment (URI="#Object1")       MUST      Y1  
Enveloped Signature: same 
document reference (URI="")
with Enveloped Signature 
Transform.                      MUST      Y1
SignatureValue generation/
validation                      MUST      Y1
Manifest DigestValue 
generation/valdiation           MAY       Y1
Feature: laxly schema valid
Signature element generation    MUST      Y1
XPointers '#xpointer(/)'        SHOULD    Y1
XPointers '#xpointer(id("ID"))' SHOULD    Y1         
XPath                           SHOULD    Y1
the dsig XPath 'here()' 
function (can be used to 
implement enveloped signature)  SHOULD    Y1
XSLT (note, the child XSLT 
element of Transform has been 
deprecated.)                    MAY       N
RetrievalMethod (e.g., X509Data)SHOULD    N

merlin-xmldsig-sixteen.tar.gz   Keyword   IAIK
Digest SHA1                     MUST      Y1 
Encoding Base64                 MUST      Y1 
MAC HMAC-SHA1                   MUST      Y1 
Signature DSAwithSHA1           MUST      Y1 
 RSAwithSHA1                    SHOULD    Y1 
Canonicalization minimal        SHOULD    N 
 Canonical XML (20010315)       MUST      Y1 
 Canonical XML with comments    SHOULD    Y1 
Signature Transform Enveloped
Signature                       MUST      Y1 

merlin-xmldsig-fifteen.tar.gz         IAIK 
signature-enveloped-dsa.xml           Y1 
signature-enveloping-b64-dsa.xml      Y1 
signature-enveloping-dsa.xml          Y1 
signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1-40.xml Y1
signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml    Y1
signature-enveloping-rsa.xml          Y1
signature-external-b64-dsa.xml        Y1
signature-external-dsa.xml            Y1

Liebe Gruesse/Regards, 
DI Gregor Karlinger
Phone +43 316 873 5541
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 10:01:25 UTC