AW: Schema definition for <Transform>


> Ok, the actual element type in the dsig namespace has now been 
> removed from 
> the spec, dtd, and xsd, though the text still reads:
> The normative specification for XSL Transformations is [XSLT]. 
> The XSL style 
> sheet or transform to be evaluated appears as the character content of a 
> transform parameter child element named XSLT.

What does "character content" mean? Should the XSL stylesheet markup be
encoded in some fashion in order that it can be inserted as text? Otherwise
appearance as character content of a "XSLT" Element is invalid.

What is the namespace for the "XSLT" element?

> The root element of a XSLT 
> style sheet within a Transform element should SHOULD be a namespace 
> qualified <stylesheet> element.

Liebe Gruesse/Regards, 
DI Gregor Karlinger
Phone +43 316 873 5541
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 04:35:45 UTC