Re: Comments on "XML-Signature Syntax and Processing"


Thanks for your revision.

Please use (#PCDATA|a)* rather than (foo|#PCDATA)*, which is 
illegal in XML.  Here is a rewrite.


These entity declarations enable external/flexible content in
the Signature content model.

#PCDATA emulates schema string; when combined with element types it
emulates schema's mixed content type.

%foo.External permits the user to include their own element types from
other namespaces, for example:
  <!ENTITY % KeyValue.External '| ecds:ECDSAKeyValue'>
  <!ELEMENT ecds:ECDSAKeyValue (#PCDATA)  >


<!ENTITY % Object.External ''>
<!ENTITY % Object.ANY 
'(#PCDATA|Signature|SignatureProperties|Manifest %Object.External;)*'>

<!ENTITY % Method.External ''>
<!ENTITY % Method.ANY '(#PCDATA|HMACOutputLength %Method.External;)*'>

<!ENTITY % Transform.External ''>
<!ENTITY % Transform.ANY '(#PCDATA|XPath|XSLT %Transform.External;)*'>

<!ENTITY % SignatureProperty.External ''>
<!ENTITY % SignatureProperty.ANY '(#PCDATA %SignatureProperty.External;)*'>

<!ENTITY % KeyInfo.External ''>
<!ENTITY % KeyInfo.ANY 
            X509Data|PGPData|MgmtData %KeyInfo.External;)*'>

<!ENTITY % KeyValue.External ''>
<!ENTITY % KeyValue.ANY 
'(#PCDATA|DSAKeyValue|RSAKeyValue %KeyValue.External;)*'>


IBM Tokyo Research Lab / International University of Japan, Research Institute
MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2000 20:59:59 UTC