Re: Representation of OIDs as URIs

Juan Carlos Cruellas wrote:
> First, it was seen that this is a very generic problem whose solution
> should involved to a vast community (even broader than W3C signature
> group). So, if you know of relevant people in the W3C that could give their
> opinion, you could pass these messages to them, or even you could direct
> us to the specific forum (if there is one) where to raise the topic.

I would say:
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> Second, although it is true that no decision was taken, the general feeling
> of the group was more in favor of the URL solution, but then two different
> approaches were sketched concerning to the management of the URLs.
> I will try to summarize (please ETSI people, correct me if you think that I
> missunderstood
> them):
> 1. Try to envisage the possibility of making alll these URLs to be below of
> the umbrela of W3C. So the URLs the could be something like:

Why do you keep "etsi" in front of "oid"? Most of the existing OIDs are
pointing to things that do not pertain to ETSI.
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Received on Friday, 24 November 2000 12:27:14 UTC