XMLDSIG meeting at 49th IETF Meeting (NOT)


Since my message below has elicited no response, we will be cancelling
the tentative WG meeting listed.


Message-Id:  <200010261919.PAA20762@noah.dma.isg.mot.com>
To:  w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org
From:  Donald Eastlake 3rd <dee3@torque.pothole.com>
Date:  Thu, 26 Oct 2000 15:19:51 -0400
Subject:  XMLDSIG meeting at 49th IETF Meeting?


We have been tentatively scheduled to meet from 3:30 to 5:30 in the
afternoon Monday December 11th, at the 49th IETF meeting in San Diego,
California.  <http://www.ietf.org/meetings/IETF-49.html> However, it
appears that by then we will have accomplished our main task of
specifying XML digital signature syntax and processing.

We can easily cancel this meeting.  Or we can hold it with the idea
that it would have presentations concerning XMLDSIG implementations
and interoperability experience and/or related issues outside our
charter such as XML encryption.  Or we can hold it with an agenda of
such talks and technical discussion which may arise from
implementation and interoperability testing of XMLDSIG.

Anyone wishing to make a presentation or with an opinion on whether
the WG should have a face-to-face meeting, please tell the co-chairs,
(myself and Joseph Reagle, reagle@w3.org), preferably by posting to
this list.  We will probably decide within the next ten days or so.

 Donald Eastlake 3rd  +1 978-634-2066(h)  dee3@torque.pothole.com
 155 Beaver St.       +1 508-261-5434(w)  lde008@dma.isg.mot.com
 Milford, MA 01757 USA

Received on Monday, 13 November 2000 17:16:59 UTC