Draft typos and errors

Some spelling errors I spotted:

signaute in 6.4.2
canonicalizationalgorithms in 6.5
sytnax in 7.2

It would probably be a good idea to go over the draft with a good spell
checker.  Be nice if you could find one that ignores every word that
starts with "x". ;-)

A few other points: in the example in 4.4.4 there are three </X509Data>
tags but only two <X509Data>s.

In 6.4.2 there is a description of how bignums are stored, but this
information is needed earlier, in 6.4.1 in order to store the P,Q,G,
etc. values for DSA keys.

Also, this text suggests making "an even number of bytes".  Two problems,
first it is not really an "even" number in the sense of being divisible by
2, but rather an "integral" or "whole" number.  Second, the word "byte"
could be better replaced by "octet".  If you search the doc you find
a few other places where this substitution should be made (everywhere
except in reference to the byte order mark (BOM)).

Hal Finney
PGP Security

Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2000 00:53:30 UTC