Signature Last Call Ends October 20th (and update to spec)

I made an error in the duration of the second Signature Last Call, so I've 
checked with the various WGs who reviewed it in the past, and no one has a 
problem with us moving the date back. (I believe we aren't going to get many 
(if any) comments regardless, as this was just to make sure everyone was 
happy with the resolution of issues, and we had the time given we had to 
move Canonical up first.)

So hopefully, I'll speak with the Director about advancing Canonical to 
Candidate REC next week, then the Signature Last Call will end on October 
20th and we'll do the same there. This version is the same namespace, 
includes some minor editorial tweaks discussed the past week, and includes a 
schema instance using the latest schema spec.

W3C Status of this document

    This specification from the IETF/W3C XML Signature Working Group is a
    update to the second last with an abbreviated W3C last call termination
    date of October 20th (5 weeks in total). This update includes minor
    editorial changes, reference to the latest Canonical XML, as well as
    an adoption of the latest Schema specification. We ask Working Group
    members and other readers to review our approach to all issues raised
    by the first last call and, more substantively, consider changes
    resulting from the recent Canonical XML last call upon which this
    specification is dependent. Barring substantive comment (we expect
    little), we will request Candidate Recommendation status as soon as
    (following the Canonical XML request). However, we do wish to
    ensure that readers are aware of following three substantive changes
    in the second last call:
     1. We've changed the Reference Processing Model (section to
        permit the presentation and acceptance of XML node-sets between
        Transforms (and resulting from some URI References) when
          1. We accomplish this by heavily relying upon the XPath
             specification but still do NOT require a conformant XPath
     2. We've revised the treatment of pre-pended algorithm object
        identifier within the encoded RSA SignatureValue by the PKCS1
        algorithm (section 6.4.2).
     3. We've revised the X509Data element (section  4.4.4) to clarify the
        treatment of certificate "bags" and CRLs within that structure.

    Please send comments to the editors and cc: the list
    <>. Publication as a Working Draft does not
    imply endorsement by the W3C membership or IESG. It is inappropriate
    to cite W3C Drafts as other than "work in progress." A list of current
    W3C working drafts can be found at Current IETF
    drafts can be found at

Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2000 19:21:43 UTC