Re: LC-104 and LC-105 XML Signature WG's review of XML Schema

At 21:48 10/5/2000 -0600, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen wrote:
>We thank you for the comments.  We have attempted to resist urges to
>improve the transfer syntax, and in many cases we have been
>successful.  I must inform you, however, that in some cases we have
>been forced, despite your encouragement to stabilize the syntax, to
>make incompatible changes to the language.  These changes have been
>necessary to gain functionality and to improve the degree to which the
>grammar given in the schema for schemas actually captures the rules
>governing the construction of schemas.

Ok, I appreciate the need to make some of the changes you did make (some of 
them are even things I asked for), and (un)fortunately because of other 
dependencies (i.e. C14N relative URIs) this won't affect this too much 
because we are not yet on the Standards track. I hope to move to the latest 
version prior to going to Candidate REC (as soon as we finish up these last 
minute editorial issues), though I can see it's going to be some work 
(successfully migrating, then updating the in-line examples in the spec). 
Regardless, now that you've made these changes, I'd _further_ encourage the 
WG not to twiddle with the syntax! <smile>

>Two members of our WG (Henry Thompson and Martin Gudgin) have
>made available a Web service for translating schema documents from
>the old syntax into the new syntax; it is at

I tried to apply this to [1] and I get nothing back (not even an HTTP 
error). I grabbed the XSLT out of the CVS space and it merely processed the 
nodes (removing the internal subset and comments) without any change.


>And we have formulated a policy which should reduce (we hope) the pain
>caused by incompatible syntax changes: in addition to the generic (and
>mutable) resources at URIs like,

Ok, I'm glad to see this. I'm still a little confused by what conventions 
you use in H10 [2] to distinguish between:
1. a latest version: ? (should it have a date at all?)
2. a dated/stable version: ?
3. it's instance: ?


>It would be helpful to us to know whether you are satisfied with the
>decision taken by the WG on this issue, or wish your dissent from the
>WG's decision to be recorded for consideration by the Director of
>the W3C.

The decision is acceptable though as stated I need a little more help in 
understanding its effects.

Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Thursday, 5 October 2000 19:24:23 UTC