RE: XMLDigSig WD-2000-09-18

[I'm cc:ing the list so we have a record of the changes, most of these are 
small, but I wouldn't want to make a change on the SPKIData front without 
the list seeing it.]

At 12:32 10/5/2000 -0400, Elmar wrote:
>If you want to allow any element in the DTD for SPKIData, don't use
>(#PCDATA), use %SPKI.Any or something like that.

Good point. However, I think like PGPKeyID, the intent is for people to plug 
in actual present-day SPKI structures (and not an XML representation) . So 
this would be a Canonical S-expression that is octects (or their base-64 
encoding)  [1] and could be reprsented as PCDATA. If this is the case, it's 
the schema that is off; the schema declaration for SPKIData should simply be:
   <element name='SPKIData' type='string' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>

Do people agree with my recollection?


>Typo in the Schema Definition: must be <element ref='ds:Transforms' ...> The
>: was missing.

Ok, typo fixed.

>What is correct? Text, Schema Def or DTD?
>Text says Type is optional, but Schema and DTD require the attribute. If it
>is optional, what should be a default type?

This has been noted and corrected in editors' copy, it is optional.

>There are missing : in the Schema definition for ref and type of elements.
>DTD missing | at the end of the first line after X509SubjectName.

Fixed. (Fortunately, these are already correct in the actual schema and DTD 
because I can validate and parse them, whereas the excerpts in the spec seem 
to get a little out of line!)

>Numbering occurs twice, for SPKIData and for MgmtData.


>Thanks to the whole working group.

Thanks for your comments!

Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Thursday, 5 October 2000 16:23:00 UTC