XFDL and Xptr example

In a phone conversation after the 9 sep 99 con call, Joseph reminded me to
post the following (tweaked) excerpt from the face to face scenarios
presentation.  It shows how relatively simple XPath statements can be used
to adequately express the notion of selective exclusion.

Hopefully a future version of the scenarios document will contain this.

Multiple Signer
Document Closure
Ancestor Info
Order of Signed Element
Good News: Via new XPointer (XPath), these problems can now be solved

The XFDL example below requires the following considerations:

1) Page and item levels identify elements by unique scope identifier
attribute named 'sid'.

2) For option level and below, elements are uniquely identified by tag name.

3) Adding a digital signature changes the signer and value option elements
of the signature button.

4) Adding a digital signature also implies creating a new signature item
with a scope identifer equal to the character data in the button's
'signature' option.

5)The first signature button must exclude the value and signer options of
the second signature button as well as the signature item that the second
signature button must create.

Before first signature:

<!-- The signature parts are 'hypothetical' XFDL (no dsig standard yet) -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<XFDL version="5.1.0">
<page sid="P1">

	<field sid="F1"> ... </field>
	<field sid="F2"> ... </field>

	<button sid="B1">
		<signformat>XPointer B1 shown below</signformat>

	<button sid="B2">

	<field sid="F3"> ... </field>
	<field sid="F4"> ... </field>

The XPointer for button B2 simply says that the whole document should be
signed.  If the app did not assume that signature S2 would be added last,
then B2 could use an Xpointer similar to the one given below for B1.

XPointer B1 keeps everything except it filters the parts that will be
changed as a result of adding signature B2.

		and ancestor::button[@sid="B2"]
		and (ancestor-or-self::value
			or ancestor-or-self::signer))
		and ancestor-or-self::signature[@sid="S2"])

The / says go to the root of the document, which is the parent of the root
XFDL element so the DTD, PIs, etc. are included.  The descendant-or-self
'axis' means every node at or below the one given (which is the root, so the
whole document is considered).  The ::node() matches every node in the parse
tree of the document (one could filter on tag names at this point, but it is
unnecessary).  The square bracketed filter test gives the condition under
which a node should be retained.  We want to keep every node as long as it

a) is *not* a node with a page ancestor of P1, a button ancestor of B2, and
as long as the node or its ancestors do not have a tag name of value or
signer.  This excludes the button 2 signer and value options (and any of
their parse tree descendants).


b) is *not* a node with a page ancestor of P1, and as long as it or its
ancestors do not have a tag of signature and a scope identifier attribute of
S2.  This excludes the signature item (and its descendants).

Note that this example still has some imprecision here (in favor of showing
the basics to the reader).  For example, I would like to be able to ensure
that the parent of the page is the XFDL root element, the parent of the
button is the given page, the parent of the signer or value is the given
button, etc.  Although XPath has axes for specifying these additional bits
of information, notice that the given XPath is *precise enough* within the
context of the application to be secure for the application, whereas a
URI+fragId construction would get nowhere.  We need to ensure that the
objects being excluded have specific tag names, attribute values AND
ancestral chains AT A MINIMUM.

John Boyer
Software Development Manager
UWI.Com -- The Internet Forms Company

Received on Thursday, 9 September 1999 16:22:49 UTC