RE: Caononicalization Re: Minutes from Today's Call Please Review/Correct

> >The definition of canonicalization is a function f(x) such that
> >f(x) = f(f(x)).
> No.  That's the fix point property, which is a desireable property of
> canonicalization but by no means its definition.  

Actually it is a required property for it to be a canonical form.

The point of canonicalization is to be able to test for equivalence
between different syntactical representations of the same data.

> My definition of
> canonicalization is a function f(x) which is useful for application A
> if f(x1) = f(x2) implies that application A considers x1 and x2
> semantically identical. 

And f(x1) <> f(x2) implies they are distinct. Therefore a c14n
function must have the fixed point property.

Exists f(x) <> f(f(x))	for some x

=> f(x) <> f(x2)	where x2 = f(f(x))

but x, x2 are semantically equivalent, therefore

f(x) = f(x2), thus disproving the lema.

Therefore all canonicalization functions are fixed point functions

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 1999 13:03:56 UTC