Chair Request: FTF and Con Call input

At the WG meeting, it was tentatively decided that the Face to Face meeting
called for in the charter should be August 30-31 somewhere on the US West coast.
Microsoft/Seattle and University of Califnornia/Irvine has tentatively
volunteered to host the meeting.  Because of the lead time required under W3C
rules to announce face-to-face meetings, we plan to decide on the date and
location within a few days.  Any comments or other volunteers for space should
post to the list immediately.  Because the XML DSIG W3C workshop was held in the
north eastern US and the first Face to Face at the 45th IETF meeting which is
being held in Scandinavia, western North America seems like a fair place for the
August meeting.

The co-chairs and likely editors/authors of the main documents believe that the
most convenient time for them for teleconferences would be Thursdays at 4PM.
Tentative initial dates for calls would be Jul 22, Aug 5, Aug 19.  Main purpose
of calls is to coordinate progress on document and other assignments.


Donald E. Eastlake, 3rd
17 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532 USA   tel: 1-914-784-7913, fax: 1-914-784-3833

home: 65 Shindegan Hill Road, RR#1, Carmel, NY 10512 USA   tel: 1-914-276-2668

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 1999 22:38:18 UTC