Re: AW: DAV:principal-URL

Hi Julian,

--On May 23, 2008 1:10:41 PM +0200 Julian Reschke <> 

> DAV:current-user-principal-resource (*) would show expose the mailto URI.

> (*) Shouldn't that be "DAV:current-user-principal-URL", by the way?

Actually this is the key point. The use case for clients is to get to the 
principal "resource" not get the principal "URI". The interesting 
properties that clients need are on the principal resource 
(CALDAV:calendar-home-set for example), and indeed the DAV:principal-URL 
property is also there. So from a principal resource you can directly get 
DAV:principal-URL - always. From a principal-URL value, you are not 
guaranteed to directly get the principal resource (e.g. if mailto: or ldap: 
is used). If principal-URL does not point to a principal resource then the 
client has to fall back to principal-property-search reports on all valid 
principal collections in order to search for a principal resource with that 
principal-URL. Clients shouldn't have to do that.

Now, WebDAV ACL makes it clear (first paragraph of Section 2) that one of 
DAV:principal-URL or DAV:alternate-URI-set MUST contain a URL to a 
principal resource (http/https). So DAV:current-user-principal-resource is 
just that value. DAV:principal-URL can therefore be any URI scheme without 
affecting that.

Cyrus Daboo

Received on Friday, 23 May 2008 14:16:23 UTC