Implementing litmus lock test 18

Dear List,

I'm a WebDAV server implementor, and relying heavily on litmus to tell 
me if I'm on the right track.

I'm stuck on test 18: cond_put_corrupt_token

With the relevant header :

If: (<opaquelocktoken:44445502-3b32-25aa-a0d6-87fdb17a9086x>) (Not 

I believe, judging from "WebDAV Next-Generation.. well I'm sure you've 
heard of it.." that this should be interpreted as :
If (false OR true) and thus allowing the PUT request..

Litmus however reports: FAIL (conditional PUT with invalid lock-token 
should fail: 200 Ok)

I'm hoping someone on this list can help me out =)

Thanks a lot,

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2008 15:25:35 UTC