Re: The use of status code 506 (Loop Detected)

Werner Donné wrote:
> Hi,
> In the bindings draft the status code 506 is introduced as a
> possible response for the PROPFIND method. Is it allowed to
> use the status code for other methods as well?

I'd say yes, as long as the error is the one defined for 506 

"The 506 (Loop Detected) status code indicates that the server 
terminated an operation because it encountered an infinite loop while 
processing a request with "Depth: infinity". This status indicates that 
the entire operation failed."

> The use-case is a server which doesn't allow the creation of
> loops. When an operation would create a loop the status code
> could be used to report it. When a server supports bindings
> a sequence of MOVE methods could create a loop for example.

I think it would be better to return a 409 with 
DAV:error/DAV:cycle-allowed here.

BR, Julian

Received on Friday, 9 November 2007 10:38:09 UTC