Re: PROPFIND/REPORT on non existing resource/collection

Arnaud Quillaud wrote:
> Hello,
> When issuing a PROPFIND or REPORT with a Request URI that does not exist, what should be returned:
> - a 404 Not Found ?


> - or a 207 multistatus containing a single response + href + status = 404 (e.g. <DAV:response><DAV:href>/toto/</DAV:href><DAV:status>404 Not Found</DAV:status></DAV:response>) ?

Should be equivalent.

> The only indication that I have found comes from the REPORT method definition where it is stated ( "If a Depth request header is included, the response MUST be a 207 Multi-Status.".

I guess we need to clarify that when we move REPORT into a separate spec.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2007 20:11:57 UTC