Re: The getcontentlength property

Werner Donné wrote:
> Mr. Demeanour wrote:
>> I presume I've missed the point.
> This client does seem to read the chunked stream correctly, but after
>  reading it, it only retains as much bytes as indicated by the 
> "getcontentlength" property, which was fetched earlier.

That's clearly a defect in the client. The server can't be expected to
compute a getcontentlength that may be dependent on whatever
Transfer-Encoding it decides on later (since the Transfer-Encoding may
be dependent on some Accept: header it hasn't seen yet).

But this is partly missing the point, I think. Your server is sending a
getcontentlength value for an entity which is dependent on the
User-Agent; but it seems to be generating the same getcontentlength
value, regardless of which entity is being requested (i.e. regardless of
the User-Agent setting). If you are going to vary the entity's value
according to the User-Agent, then surely you should vary the value of
getcontentlength according to the same criteria.


Received on Saturday, 23 June 2007 09:26:29 UTC