RE: AW: Need feedback on new Mini-Redirector tutorial

>When I use office with a web folder, it uses LOCK, and it does not create
>temporary files (at the webdav server). Only updates the original document
>with PUT. When I use office with WebDrive or something like that, it does
>not use LOCK (if I remember right), and it creates temporary files, renames
>the files, deletes the original one, all at saving. How is the behavior 
>using the mini-redirector? I don't like such a behavior, from the
>perspective of my server side repository....

I had never tested this before so I started a WebDAV server on my PC. I then 
mounted a drive by using: net use y: http://localhost/dav/c/

I browsed to a Word document on y: and opened the document by double 
clicking it. I then immediately got another login prompt from Word, meaning 
that Word was not directly using the network drive, but was instead directly 
accessing the WebDAV resource. I am not sure how this is possible. Word must 
somehow notice that the drive is a WebDAV resource?

After opening the document, I inspected the document directly from my hard 
drive, and the name was not changed, nor were there any backup files. 
However, in the mapped network drive, the word document was changed to:

Maybe Microsoft tools auto detects a mini redirector mapped drive and 
directly open files as WebDAV resources?

I have not seen this behavior using other tools, which simply opens the 
document as if the drive is a normal hard drive.


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Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 17:48:41 UTC