Re: PROPPATCH question (setlastmodified)

> "15.7 getlastmodified Property
> ...
> Protected:
>     SHOULD be protected because some clients may rely on the value 
> for appropriate caching behavior, or on the value of the Last-Modified 
> header to which this property is linked."

Of course this objection could easily be overcome by allowing to change
the attribute only for a file that has just been uploaded. That's all I
want, really.

I heard that there are some servers that support it, at least mod_dav
(you need to modify one line in httpd.conf and restart apache).

My problem is this: synchronization is always bidirectional. In the
first step, my software puts file on the server. When run a second 
time, it sees that the Last Modified timestamps on the server are newer
than the local ones and wants to download the files again, even though
they are not changed.

Of course I have a solution for that, which makes use of a database.
But it would be much better to be able to store the original timestamp

If I can't change the "getlastmodified" attribute, can I store a custom
attribute like "mytimestamp"?

Kind Regards,
Tobias Giesen

Super Flexible Software Ltd. & Co. KG
Lessingstr. 42
48485 Neuenkirchen, Germany

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Liability / general partner: TGTools Ltd.
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Directors: Tobias Giesen and Claudia Hübl

Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 14:16:02 UTC