Re: REBIND a parent to a child

My response was incomplete.  In case the server does support binding 
loops, but /a was the only binding to the collection, so the REBIND 
effectively deletes the collection, then the server would fail the request 
with DAV:new-binding in the DAV:error status response message (since the 
collection does not contain the new binding, since it has been deleted).



The server can disallow this, in case it doesn't support binding loops, in 
which case it would return DAV:cycle-allowed to indicate which 
pre-condition failed in its DAV:error status response message (see 
for a description of DAV:error status response>).

Geoff wrote on 10/24/2006 06:44:41 AM:

> Hi
> What is the expected behaviour if I try to rebind a collection to 
> one of its descendants. For example, suppose I try to rebind /a to 
> /a/b. Should the server allow the method and remove the collection 
> 'a'? Or should it return an error? If so, what error? 
> Thanks
> Sriram

Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2006 11:53:20 UTC