Re: [Fwd: Re: I-D for the PATCH method]

> Do you have a proper reference for the normal-diff format?  Are you
> legally allowed to document it yourself in an Internet-Draft?  If
> not, it might be difficult in practice to register a MIME type for
> the normal-diff algorithm.  Part of the IETF's attempt to generally
> protect software developers from the position of having to implement
> a standard requiring technology they're not allowed to use.

The normal-diff format is a part of the GNU project which is free
software. I added a reference to this in the Internet-Draft.

I found this on the gnu home page (

"We support the FSF's mission to preserve, protect and promote the freedom
to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to
defend the rights of Free Software users. "

I felt that this was sufficient information to use the normal-diff format.
But I'd like to know if anyone has more information that would restrict
its use for this purpose.


Received on Tuesday, 15 August 2006 23:34:58 UTC